The Twin Flame Spiritual Connection Explained
The Twin Flame Spiritual Connection Explained

The Twin Flame Spiritual Connection Explained

twin flame spiritual connection: cosmic best friends
Image credit: Canva

Twin flames are a pair of souls with the same mission. When you meet your twin flame — if you’re lucky enough to do so — it will feel like you’ve met someone who gets you on a whole new level. It’s a relationship on a different plane that you’ve never experienced before. The twin flame spiritual connection is very deep. This person truly ‘gets’ you. They’re your cosmic best friend.

You are sitting side by side on the park bench of the universe watching it all unfold together.

It doesn’t matter if you are romantically involved with this person or not. The level of soul intimacy is so great that it makes you actually wake up to a new level of understanding about yourself.

Your mind will be blown.

Twin Flame Healing is Hard

Everything happens for a reason. You probably haven’t been able to come together with your twin flame in perfect union, which is why you’re reading this. But this experience is happening to help you grow and heal. If your soul can learn this lesson, you will be better off, spiritually.

Your cosmic best friend — your twin flame — is part of this healing journey. As souls, you planned this together. You knew it would be a huge feat to come together. You knew it would be mind-blowing for you two to meet and then devastating for you to stop communicating. It is all by design.

Ascending Through the Pain

Because you’re in this together, the events unfolded exactly as they needed to — in order to get you to the next level of consciousness. This seems like a curse when we’re focusing on our small, temporary human existence, but in fact, it is a great blessing.

It is a gift for your twin flame to do this to you. It is the greatest possible act of love.

Only your truest cosmic love could manifest this for you. Only your twin flame could cause this chain of events in your life. It’s painful as hell, but it is understood that pain is how we learn.

It’s a Blessing, Truly

You are closer to enlightenment than other souls because of all of this. You are able to teach other souls how to endure and how to exist. You know true, unconditional love, and you are able to spread that here on Earth a little further. You are powerful.

Your cosmic best friend wants you to take every moment of insane, nonsensical upheaval that you experience on this twin flame journey and turn it into something healing. That’s the challenge. If you can do this, you’ve both succeeded in moving a little further toward oneness — with each other and with the universe.

Your twin flame is your cosmic best friend. They want the best for you.

Hi, I’m Emily. I’m a twin flame coach among other things. For more about me, have a look at my website or book a session with me. Let’s talk about your twin flame spiritual connection and what it all means.

I am also the author of Twin Flames and the Love Story Within, available on Amazon. You may also be interested in the Twin Flame Support Group that I run.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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