Twin Flame Journey: Unlock Your Psychic Abilities
Twin Flame Journey: Unlock Your Psychic Abilities

Twin Flame Journey: Unlock Your Psychic Abilities

twin flame psychic abilities
Image credit: Canva

I’ve been talking to people about their twin flames face-to-face for a year now. I have heard countless stories you can’t even begin to imagine. The coolest thing about these stories, for me, is the way each person is developing their own unique and powerful psychic talents. Your twin flame enters your life to awaken the spiritual gifts within you. Your twin flame helps you unlock your psychic abilities – but that story is really about you.

Some of us practice telepathy with our twin flames. Some of us realize that there is a spirit guide team that’s always with us on this journey and we can communicate with them at any time. Some of us hear things, see things, and smell things that “aren’t there”. Signs, synchronicities, messages, and coincidences ramp up when we meet our twin flames. I once saw a UFO and I will never be able to fully explain it. These things won’t go away. The door has been unlocked and you will never be able to close it.

Something demands your attention. You’re supposed to be developing your gifts so you can help people.

The twin flame journey may be painful. This kind of spiritual love isn’t child’s play. It brings your entire way of life into focus. It calls into question who you are and why you’re doing anything you’re doing.

It is only natural that with such an awakening, your connection to the spirit world, ancestors, past lives, and the soul would be intensified. This kind of thing doesn’t happen to just anyone. It happens to those who are ready for it.

Someone else might miss the spiritual meaning of twin flames. They might not pick up on what’s starting to happen because they are living in so much fear. They may focus on the physical, present form of the love and the person. It’s easy to get caught up in the ego mind and attach ourselves to the illusion of “toxicity” in human relationships. But for those of us who are more awake, we can see the gifts beyond the surface. Every relationship you have in your life is a chance at a new lesson. But the twin flame lets us transcend our worldly existence to see the big picture.

The twin flame in your life brought with them a chance for you to transcend. Are you going to take this chance or throw it away?

You can focus on the pain of separation from your twin flame. You can complain about it and tell everyone that twin flames are bullshit. That’s your choice. But it doesn’t help anyone.

You are eternally connected to this person and they are trying to wake you up. They may not seem like it, but beyond the surface, they are a loving soul who wants to put you through the craziest of experiences so you can lose your mind and wake up to a new level of consciousness.

Look beyond the surface. Understand why this is happening. When the spiritual meltdowns come, welcome them.

When you start to hear voices, don’t shut them out. When the spirit world reaches out and taps on your shoulder, don’t freak out — ask them what you need to know right now. When numbers, signs, and messages from the universe come at you, pay attention to them. Your twin flame unlocks your psychic abilities, but once the process has begun, the sky is the limit!

Don’t just go back to being angry about your twin flame who is ignoring you. Look within instead.

Hi, I’m Emily. I’m a twin flame coach among other things. For more about me, have a look at my homepage or book a session with me.

I am also the author of Twin Flames and the Love Story Within, available on Amazon. You may also be interested in the Twin Flame Support Group that I run.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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