Why You Shouldn’t Go to a Twin Flame Psychic
Why You Shouldn’t Go to a Twin Flame Psychic

Why You Shouldn’t Go to a Twin Flame Psychic

don't go to a twin flame psychic
Image credit: Canva

I’ve met my twin flame. I know what it means to have this incredible event occur in your life. I coach people on their twin flame journeys. I know how important it is to be open to anything that someone is telling me about their twin flame. No two stories are alike, and there’s no way I’d believe any of it if I’d never met my own twin flame. But now I know that anything is possible. So, I want to offer some advice. Don’t go searching for twin flame guidance from light workers who don’t understand. Don’t invest in a twin flame psychic or a spiritual coach who hasn’t met their twin flame.

Only you can know the truth about what you’re going through in your heart, but if you need guidance, at least find a person who has personal experience on the matter and not theoretical knowledge.

There’s a lot of noise you’ll find online about twin flames. Lots of advice, lots of arguments. It will drive you nuts if you let it.

I don’t want it to drive you nuts. I want you to face what you’re going through with strength and inner guidance. Stop looking outward for the answers. If you talk to people about your twin flame, realize that you are always able to decide for yourself what to do.

I am a twin flame coach, but I would never tell you what to think about your twin flame that contradicts your inner wisdom. I would never tell you what to believe because I know anything is possible when it comes to twin flames. And for sure, I would never tell you to walk away from your obsession with this person. It’s there for a good reason.

You must always look at what’s happening with your twin flame as a manifestation of what’s happening within you, and learn to heal yourself. It’s about your own self-love, ultimately.

Cord Cutting Is a No-No

I’ve read about people trying to do “cord-cutting” with a twin flame. They’ll hire an energy worker to do the deed. It’s mind-boggling for me. Any real twin flame psychic would know that your twin flame is eternally bonded to you for a reason.

Why would you want to “cut cords” with anyone, especially your twin flame, who shares such a deep cosmic bond with you? This person’s soul loves your soul eternally. Come on, now.

If you’re considering doing this because your twin flame is driving you nuts, then you’re cutting cords with yourself. The only energy workers who would agree to such a silly ritual are ones that have never come into union with their twin flames. (And cord-cutting, in general, is an act of fear, not love.)

Twin flames are about love. Romantic love, universal love, and self-love. Why would you cut the cords of love? Even if it were possible, why would you do such a thing? This is all I will say about this.

The pain you feel with your twin flame situation is meant to be. It’s not something to run away from. you must sit with it and figure out how to come into union with yourself.

Stories Psychics Told Me About Twin Flames

When I was in separation from my twin flame, I was frantic to find answers. I asked all kinds of people for advice. I went to psychics who told me to ignore this person and move on.

They didn’t know anything about twin flames. I shouldn’t have even asked.

People will tell you that this is a toxic relationship, to turn the other way, and to set “boundaries” with this person. They may tell you to “cut cords”! One psychic told me that this person isn’t significant to me. She said to forget about him.

My heart knew the answer. My intuition knew that this was wrong. But I forgive these psychics because they had no concept of a twin flame relationship.

It wasn’t long before my twin flame and I were in union again. All the things I knew would happen did end up happening, and in the same timeframe that I expected. The problem was that I didn’t trust myself enough. This twin flame stuff requires a deep level of self-trust. Don’t let someone else convince you of something you know isn’t true.

You Already Know The Answers You Seek

It’s normal to want answers. It’s understandable to want to read stories about twin flames that are similar to yours and have happy endings. But don’t go seeking answers outside yourself more than you do inside yourself. You don’t need a twin flame psychic to find the answers.

Twin flames teach us so much about self-trust. We have to keep believing. It’s not easy.

But when all the things you felt in your gut turn out to be true and all the things your psychic friends told you turn out to be false, you’ll see what I mean.

Buy the book Twin Flames and the Love Story Within, on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats!

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