Twin Flame or Toxic Relationship?
Twin Flame or Toxic Relationship?

Twin Flame or Toxic Relationship?

twin flame or toxic relationship
Image credit: Canva

The twin flame is your mirror. They vibe with you on levels that no one else can. The twin flame experience is an exercise in self-reflection — anything you don’t understand about yourself will also be a point of frustration in this relationship with this person. But just as you don’t intentionally hurt yourself — only unconsciously — the twin flame doesn’t hurt you intentionally. In fact, the pain they bring is something they are likely oblivious to, but on a soul level, it causes miracles of awakenings to happen on a grand scale. This is how you determine if it’s a twin flame or a toxic relationship.

A toxic relationship is just unhealthy. There is a lack of balance between the two partners and misunderstandings that are symptoms of not being on the same vibrational level. The awareness and consciousness just don’t match. And, most importantly, in a toxic relationship, you find a person who intentionally hurts you. They enjoy your pain.

The Pain Is Different

Twin flame experiences give you pain in a way you’ve never experienced it because it’s the deepest love possible. You unconditionally love this person, therefore when they stop communicating with you, it hurts on levels that transcend time and space. You just can’t understand how to live a life without them and it seems spiritually unfair because they are alive on this same planet as you, but you can’t be together. There is always some weird circumstance keeping you two apart.

In other relationships, when there’s pain, it’s because there is just friction and a lack of healing between the two people so they can’t seem to make it work. There’s past trauma causing them to act selfishly or maliciously. It’s immature.

A Greater Purpose With Twin Flames

Twin flames give you a sense that there’s a greater purpose to everything going on. The fact that it doesn’t make sense makes it all feel like an event that’s bigger than you. It’s a miracle to meet someone who truly gets you and makes you feel like they’re your home — while also thrilling you at every moment and pushing you to complete life missions and fulfill your deepest purpose.

When you’re living in fear, you suspect people of lying or using you. You are naturally skeptical of their true intentions. You’ve been hurt before and you try to use your experience to protect yourself against the future. So, when there is an unbalance in a relationship or a cease to communication for a while, you approach it with caution.

Of course, a twin flame relationship would seem super toxic to someone who has never experienced it and only experienced toxic relationships before. If you’ve never found that kind of love, it’s hard to try to understand it as an outsider looking in. You unconsciously view relationships as a point of fear.

I can’t convince you that twin flames aren’t toxic if you have already made up your mind about it. It’s the way you view love — as something that ultimately hurts. But trust me, it doesn’t always have to be this way.

It’s Real Love

When you have never touched infinite love and you approach new relationships with skepticism or fear, you block yourself from feeling real love. But when you open your heart and you’re open to miracles, you see that love can save us all. Love is powerful and it’s never toxic — toxicity is related to fear. Love brings only fulfillment, even when it’s painful.

Real love inspires you to love yourself and opens you up to new levels of trauma healing. So much of this process is painful.

The pain we feel with twin flames isn’t a product of toxicity, but of unrequited, pure love.

Hi, I’m Emily. I’m a twin flame coach among other things. Find out more about twin flames and book a session with me.

I am also the author of Twin Flames and the Love Story Within, available on Amazon. You may also be interested in the Twin Flame Support Group that I run.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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