How to Approach the Twin Flame Mirror
How to Approach the Twin Flame Mirror

How to Approach the Twin Flame Mirror

twin flame mirror
Image credit: Canva

Let’s talk about the concept of the Twin Flame Mirror.

We don’t know how we got here, but we’re here. We manifested all of this — or anyway, we are products of a great manifestation. And we are multidimensional beings. Most of us wander the Earth totally unaware and oblivious to what we truly are. Humans are souls. Our existence extends beyond space, time, life, and death. We live on more than one plane of existence at one time.

So, where do twin flames come in? Well, it’s not often that your soul manifests right before you and lets you look right at it.

Your twin flame is your mirror. More than this, they are deeply connected with you and share your energy. But most people don’t stop and think about how this person is actually you.

Transcend the Human Drama

All human relationships are meant to teach you something about yourself. they all mirror you and reveal your wounds. But the twin flame does you a big favor by totally personifying your light and shadows to the point that you can’t look away. This is a twin flame mirror. You feel so drawn to this energy because it has no boundaries with your energy. The experience of facing your own soul longings is painful.

But we have to live in gratitude for this experience. Take the focus off of the person themselves — the human incarnation. Go past the human mess. Love the soul that’s always been there. Find the soul connection that transcends the drama and the pain. Twin flame mirroring lets you see this connection clearly.

The runner and chaser dynamic are human concepts. The twin flame soul is always there with you.

Total Mirroring

If you are lucky enough to meet your twin flame and you find yourself faced with incredible obsession and pain, please take a moment to note that this is all about you. Your own soul was already aching before you met this person. They just did you a favor by allowing you to see it in the daylight. They brought your wounds forward, front and center, to force you to heal them. The twin flame mirror can be painful as it helps you heal.

You feel the pain of the separation from your twin flame. But separation is an illusion.

Most people get caught in a downward spiral of despair and sadness because the most perfect person for them wants nothing to do with them. And there’s a powerful feeling of fear in being “alone” because you only want to be with this one person, and you can’t.

You have to stop and realize that this is a reflection of your own soul. You’re the one rejecting yourself as you are. You are running from yourself. You are already with yourself, and this is all you’ll ever need.

It Isn’t Supposed to Be Easy

Your twin flame cannot complete you. By making it easy and being with you, there is no chance of deep healing. So, they help you by not being with you. They are showing you love from the soul by giving you a chance to rise above your pain and fears. If they were in a relationship with you right now that was easy and sweet, you would never have a reason to grow and transform yourself.

The twin flame personifies your shadows and fears — as well as your triumphs and thrills. As a soul, this twin flame only wants you to get closer to enlightenment. They will do anything to get you there. This is an act of great love.

The soul knows that by playing out a story of great longing and pain on Earth, you will get closer to healing. Great achievements don’t come from ease. It’s a gift to feel this much discomfort. The twin flame soul loves you that much.

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