Twin Flame Healing Meditation
Twin Flame Healing Meditation

Twin Flame Healing Meditation

twin flame healing meditation
Image credit: Canva

I often recommend meditation to my clients as a way to find a space of wisdom and calm amid the twin flame turmoil they’re going through. Everything in the twin flame experience is designed by the universe to make you uncomfortable and force you to find a way to cope. The only way to cope is to find a way to rise above the pain. Meditation makes this easier and more obvious. Here’s my approach to twin flame healing meditation.

Once you really embrace the path of surrender, the pain gets a little easier to bear. Maybe one day you can even shed it completely. The way to do this is to let go. But that’s a lot to ask someone who’s not familiar with this exercise in meditation, so I thought I would outline some steps in meditation to help you get closer to mental freedom.

This is how we heal. When we realize that the wellspring of love is within us, we break free of constraints that keep us living in separation. Wounds begin to heal. Things start making sense.

Understanding a Higher Level of Existence

When you meditate on your existence, eventually you will understand that you are not separate from the rest of the universe — including from your twin flame. You’re one and the same. Our human manifestations are what keep us living in separation. We tend to think that we lack love if the twin flame isn’t with us, but in fact, each of us was always whole. Love was always all around you.

Meditation lets you open the door to the infinite divine love that supports and nurtures you.

Meditation exercise: Close your eyes and take as long as you need to fully settle. Let all of the thoughts and worries detach and float away, and imagine the boundaries between you and your environment dissolving. Merge into the pure and unfiltered love that is all around you in the universe. Feel how it is to be deeply loved for who you really are — a soul having a human experience — and not for your actions, accomplishments, service to others, or what you offer. Just be you.

Seeing the Mirror

Your twin flame reflects you strongly. Your inner battles and past trauma are triggered by this person because they personify your inner world. It’s beautiful and uncomfortable at the same time. But if you can meditate on this mirror reflection, you will be able to begin to heal yourself. Maybe they’ll spontaneously heal because they feel your energy when you are breaking free from the cycles you’re trapped inside. But don’t do it for them or with the hopes of coming into “union” — instead, do it for your own well-being.

Meditation exercise: In your meditation, visualize a mirror. Look at yourself. See their face instead. Talk to them/yourself. Tell yourself that you have the ability to heal and be better. You deserve love and so does your reflection. Shower yourself with the love you have for your twin flame.

Finding a Space Within that Lacks Nothing

You have everything you need right now and you are enough. But it’s hard to hold this top of mind all of the time, so we must meditate to keep believing this consciously. You don’t need a twin flame to complete you — you’re already complete. At this very moment, everything you have is enough. You’re alive, and that’s a miracle. Cultivating gratitude is transformational in this journey because it lifts you out of despair and longing.

Meditation exercise: Find the “here and now” in your meditation. You may want to repeat the words “here and now” several times to focus yourself. If your mind wanders, bring it back to this repetition. Eventually, you can stop repeating “here and now” and just exist in the present moment. Do nothing more than exist. Explore the state you’re in right now and celebrate it. You’re here and you have everything you need right now.

Loving Yourself and Letting Go

Your twin flame appeared because you reached a place in your spiritual journey where you were ready for such an experience. The universe wants you to level up. You are given a mind-blowing and painful experience so you will push yourself to rise above it. Meditation is so important to this journey and in finding the self. Once you know and love yourself, you can let go of the outcomes of any situation. Practice non-attachment.

You can ease the longing and sadness you carry about your twin flame by looking within persistently.

Start your twin flame healing meditation journey today.

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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