When Your Twin Flame Dies, It Causes Awakened Psychic Abilities
When Your Twin Flame Dies, It Causes Awakened Psychic Abilities

When Your Twin Flame Dies, It Causes Awakened Psychic Abilities

twin flame dies and you are a psychic
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Since my twin flame died in 2022, I have met countless people whose twin flames also died. I am a twin flame grief coach and I get to meet these amazing, strong people and hear their wild stories of spiritual awakening. Of course, we know that our twin flames aren’t really gone — they just left their bodies behind and transcended this realm to the next. Instead of focusing on the grief involved in such a horrific event, I choose to revel in the wonder as I behold the birth of a psychic medium.

When you’re so connected to someone, you can talk to them in your head even when they’re alive. When they’re dead, you might start to feel like you’re going crazy because you can speak to them pretty much all the time. Most people don’t understand this phenomenon.

If you’re experiencing this, you’re not alone. I have talked to some of the most promising future psychic mediums on this planet. They grieve their dead twin flames, they endure, and without a doubt, they can speak with the dead. All they need to do now is figure out how to hone their gifts.

When my twin flame died, a psychic medium told me that I am a powerful psychic medium. She said everything happens for a reason and there are no accidents in the universe. According to her, this happened to me so I could realize my vast powers. I am able to travel to the spirit world and back. Perhaps I haven’t honed my abilities to be able to do this at will, but it does happen on occasion spontaneously. Can you do this, too?

Spirits are around us all of the time. There’s no question about that. Most of us have no idea how to communicate with them. Psychic mediums can hear or see them, and know how to channel the messages.

Someone whose twin flame dies will start by channeling this person. They know what their twin flame wants them to do and what they’re telling them. But as their powers grow, they might begin to see that these abilities can deeply impact the lives of others if they can figure out how to use them for healing.

You have to grieve when someone with this kind of soul connection passes to the next realm. The grieving journey is lonely and hard. But along with it comes a gift: mediumship.

Try to focus on what you need to do next in life. How can you use your abilities to help someone else?

twin flame coaching

Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

Get clarity on your twin flame journey! Ask your questions and understand the spiritual nature of the situation.

Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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