Grieving and Twin Flame Death
Grieving and Twin Flame Death

Grieving and Twin Flame Death

twin flame death
Image credit: Canva

It’s something that consumes, hurts, and lingers.

My twin flame died about eleven months ago. I thought that by now, I might feel somewhat “normal” again. I thought that I’d be past the trauma and the grieving period would be behind me, for the most part. I thought that I would have had many revelations about life by now and feel stronger. I thought that I could let him go. How wrong I was — about some of it. Twin flame death is excruciating to navigate.

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I am stronger. How could I not be? I am still here and I learn new lessons every day. I have had revelations, but they don’t totally heal me like I had hoped that they might. Grieving has gotten easier, but I still fall apart regularly. I certainly cannot let him go, nor would I ever want to.

It’s a strange space to be in, as I try my best to live my life as an individual — all the while knowing that the one person who totally understands me is “gone” and on the other side. I try not to replace him and yet I desperately seek another person in my life who can replicate that deep connection.

If your twin flame has passed, then you know what I’m talking about. It’s a heartbreaking experience beyond imagining.

I’m a twin flame coach now, and a half or more of my clients have also experienced the death of their twin flame. Twin flame death is a life-shattering experience that is always completely unexpected, heartbreaking, and hard to explain to others. Most of us have had to mainly grieve alone — in silence, in the shadows, as strangers to others who knew them.

If this has happened to you, then I know you feel it, too. You are feeling incredibly alone and somewhat stranded. Abandoned. And you wonder how you can actually go on with life.

Well, I may have some answers for you.


After speaking with countless people whose twin flames have also passed, it seems so clear that twin flames die suddenly and unexpectedly. It seems like it happens as an essential part of the twin flame journey. It’s a way for the universe to wake us up further. It’s like, “Hey, you! You are spiritually getting there, but here’s a tragic event that’ll boost you even further into universal understanding!”

The death of a twin flame forces us to feel the depths of love through our grief. And it also gives us great opportunities to experience deep compassion.

Twin flames also seem to often die under the strangest of circumstances. There’s usually an element of “if we’d made another choice, then this would have been different.” Regrets are part of the journey.

In addition, often there is some doubt left. “Did they really love me?” we often ask. There are strange things we find out about them that call mutual love into question. This causes a great decision to come into play — holding onto anger or giving into compassion and forgiveness.

Forgiveness always wins because this is a person whose soul we can see clearly — beyond all the human intricacies and flaws.


It’s not a normal grieving process. Many of us are grieving alone because we don’t know our twin flames’ family and friends. They don’t know us as the loves of their lives. There were always complications and barriers in life that kept us from being with them until the very end when we suddenly got an opportunity to be in union with them. Then it all comes crashing down and we’re seen as a stranger, the “the other woman”, the “new boyfriend”, or the ex that didn’t work out.

Often, we aren’t invited to memorials and funerals. We’re left out of the loop.

It’s awful. But if you’re reading this and you experienced this, too, then you’re definitely not alone. Let us grieve together as twin flamers who’ve experienced loss.

Psychic Abilities

The psychic powers have ramped up, right? You talk to them in your head and hear them speak. They send regular messages in the form of signs and coincidences. They come to you in dreams to discuss what is happening to you — guiding you on a life of higher spirituality.

The psychic connection you share probably began when they were still living.

Not only this, but your psychic powers, in general, become more prevalent. I’ve experienced the ability to smell things that aren’t physically there (clairalience) and every time I meditate for long periods, it gets weirder and weirder. I see strange things every day like his name manifesting just where I least expect it.

We can’t just ignore these things. It’s part of the twin flame life. Even if your twin flame isn’t physically present, you can use this experience to tap into the great meaning and purpose of the universe. Your life path as a healer or an energy worker is opening in front of you.

Life Missions

Twin flames share a life mission as souls, and when one dies, that doesn’t change anything. You must still stay true to this path. In fact, many of us feel a stronger pull to complete this mission after experiencing the loss.

Perhaps following that life path would never have been possible if you were physically together in life.

For me, it has become stupidly clear that I am supposed to be writing about this and healing others who have gone through it. I may have other missions as well, but certainly, I am supposed to be using my pain to create something beautiful. I connect people whose twin flames have died. I provide answers and insights. I wrote a book about the experience hoping that it would help someone out there — and it already has.

Your life mission might be to lead therapy sessions for disabled children. It might be to help people recovering from addiction. It might be to read tarot and tap into the subtle energies to channel messages. Whatever it is, I am one hundred percent sure that you already know it, and you don’t need me to tell you. But you need the faith and motivation to make it happen.

Reach Out if You Need to Talk

Typically, we endure this alone — as I mentioned above — but you don’t have to. Reach out if you need someone to talk with. Twin flame death is hard to process on your own. I offer twin flame coaching and I started a twin flame support group. Sometimes traditional forms of therapy don’t help, especially when you’re talking about a twin flame that most people think sounds crazy.

You’re not crazy. It really happened. It’s all real. And you’re not alone.

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Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

Get clarity on your twin flame journey! Ask your questions and understand the spiritual nature of the situation.

Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

Twin Flame Support Group

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