It’s a blessing and a curse.

The most impactful events in anyone’s spiritual journey often come with great pain. Without confusion and darkness, you will not be motivated to find the light. The universe wants your soul to awaken and evolve. There’s no better way to do that than by sending you a catalyst in the form of inner devastation. And for many of us, that manifests as a twin flame journey.
When you meet your twin flame, the experience blows up your world. The things that mattered before don’t seem to matter anymore. You may feel euphoria at first, but most of us eventually go through a horrible phase during which all manner of depression, hopelessness, and frustration occur.
After you’ve been in this state for a sustained period of time, and there doesn’t seem to be any sign of it ending, you begin to feel terrible pain both mentally and physically. Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? When will it end?
And then something miraculous begins to happen — if you let it. The pain transforms you. It breaks you. But then you become something new. It can be beautiful.
Like a butterfly, your beautiful emergence must be preceded by a painful transformation, which is catalyzed by meeting the twin flame.
The twin flame is an instigator for a great spiritual awakening. Your soul came here to experience human life precisely for this reason. It wanted to experience love and loss. It craves meeting its “other half” so that it can reflect on its own nature. The twin flame presents your life with the gift of awareness and experience. It’s a catalyst for higher consciousness.
Don’t waste this chance. If you’re on a twin flame journey, you must have strength and courage. You shouldn’t run away from transformation and cling to the physical world, your victimhood, and control. You have a responsibility to the collective to become better. You must release all expectations of how it will end and turn awareness within.
Use this great opportunity to grow. If you stay attached to the idea that love stories must have fairy tale endings, or that you deserve to have things end up a certain way, you will find yourself in a constant struggle. The world around you responds when you bolster your inner journey, not when you try to control the outer one.
Instead, have a fairy tale ending with yourself. Focus on what you can control — your inner world. Choose happiness, joy, and hope for yourself. Work on inner peace. It’s worth it.
As you go along the path, you may one day see the light come back as you find gratitude for this journey. Your twin flame should be thanked, for they are a catalyst for a great awakening, and they’ve given you a chance to achieve what your soul came here to do. Only those who have worked hard over many lifetimes are given the great experience of meeting their twin flames.

Twin Flame Coaching
Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

Buy the Book
Twin Flames and the Love Story Within (2022) and Twin Flame Transcendence (2023) are available on Amazon!

About Me
Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

Twin Flame Support Group
A growing online community of interactive support where you can talk about your twin flame experiences in a safe space.
Membership: $33 one-time fee
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