Let’s assume for a moment that you could actually control spiritual awakenings. What would that be like? What’s the recipe for a spiritual awakening, if someone asks you how to do it? They always seem to happen when it’s least expected or least convenient, but that’s the miracle of them. Despite the nonsensical nature of them, I decided to outline the process of spiritual awakening— maybe it will make it a little easier for someone out there who is seeking answers.
Spiritual awakenings undermine every part of your existence. They break you down. It’s both amazing and ugly at the same time. But it’s only ugly because it’s hard to shed the parts of you that were attached to your surface-level life for many years — things you don’t want to let go of so easily. Your relationships, your career, and your identity will all be called into question as the universe reveals to you that they aren’t really aligned with your higher self. That shedding process is painful.
Once you have an awakening, it’s just the beginning. There are endless awakenings that can come your way. Every time you realize something about your life that is a pattern — something you’ve been doing mindlessly as if you’re programmed to do it — you graduate from that pattern and find yourself amid another awakening. It gets a little easier along the way, but you never know what the universe will throw at you. You just have to assume that it’s an adventure you’re meant to be on.
1. Let All Parts of Your Life Self-Destruct
In a spiritual awakening, you are faced with the things in your life that aren’t working. Letting go of these things is the goal, and that can be awful at times. Sometimes the parts of your life that you’re being called to shed are small projects or daily habits. Sometimes the things you’re looking at seem to be important parts of your basic existence, like a marriage or a job. People don’t like to let go of their familiar relationships and comfortable salaries.
The universe will call on you to shed these things. Light a metaphysical match and let them metaphorically burn to the ground.
The sooner you realize what you need to do, the easier it will be for you. The more you hang on tightly to these things that aren’t helping your soul, the more difficult the journey will be.
The universe will give you a choice at first, allowing you to make the right decision on your own. When you refuse this, the discomfort will ramp up. You’ll be forced to let go. I advise you to allow those parts of you to fade into the distance and bid them goodbye.
It happened to me. My marriage abruptly ended one day, and I was plunged into a new level of consciousness. I couldn’t have understood the things I was missing when I was with this person — he had to be removed in order to see the light. He limited me and I was ignorant to the fact.
Then, my job started to have problems. I was pretty attached to my monthly income. I would have never left that job out of my own freewill. So, the universe fired me. Since then, it was a bumpy road to where I am now, but I can honestly say I am never going back to corporate life and I’ve never been happier. The universe keeps rewarding me for living my most authentic life.
2. Have a Meltdown
You’re going to panic. How will you live? How will you survive? What will people think of you? Lots of new considerations will arise. At first, you’ll have a hard time understanding that the universe has your back. You’ll have anxiety about the whole thing because it seemed like you had your empire built and a great sense of stability until this happened to you. In the process of a spiritual awakening, you’ll wonder why this is happening to you.
It’ll feel unfair. It won’t feel good. You’ll feel like you’re losing your mind.
Just let yourself lose your own mind a little bit. You can’t get a new mindset until the old one moves out of the way. So, let things melt down. It’ll be okay, I promise. But it’s terrifying for a while.
This period of time in your awakening requires a great amount of trust in the universe and yourself. You have to just have faith that it’s all working out for your highest good. It will appear to be the opposite for a while as you struggle to release attachments to all the things you valued over the years. When the universe takes things away from you it doesn’t feel like you’re lucky until you can finally understand clearly that it was the only way for you to reach a higher level of consciousness.
3. Embrace the Darkness
During the process of a spiritual awakening, you’re going to have periods of depression and hopelessness. It’s normal. I’m sorry.
As you confront all the parts about you that weren’t serving you, you may start to hate yourself a little bit for allowing it for so long. Or, you may be confronted with past trauma that you never faced. Your shadow will require your attention. There is a lot of truth in your shadow that you have been avoiding.
My advice is to embrace the darkness. Understand that this isn’t normal depression — it’s spiritual. When you’re depressed in this sense, you feel out of touch with your soul. You understand that lack of connection and it hurts. You have to just keep working toward wholeness, and the best way to do that is to integrate the dark parts of your consciousness into your conscious life. Face your fears and heal your trauma.
4. Forget Everything You Know
You know nothing. You never did. Truth is fluid. Things aren’t as they seem. Some people are arrogant and they think they know what’s going on in this manifestation. They have a small awakening and they start to preach to others the way reality appears to them. They are unable to admit when they’re wrong. Beware of these people. They think they understand both physical and spiritual truths. But they don’t.
The sooner you admit that you know nothing, the easier it will be. On this path, you’ll eventually have to realize that reality is an illusion.
The universe will start to arrange situations that force you to admit that you know nothing. If you resist and try to hang on to your “knowledge” of life, then you will find yourself amid inner and outer conflict that can be really hard to manage. Wisdom comes in the form of soul learnings. You may be wise while also knowing very little about being human.
To admit you know nothing is wise.
To say that you know the truth about something in this level of physical reality is folly. It’ll surprise you at every turn. The very laws of nature don’t have to always be obeyed. It’s glorious when you fully acknowledge this! This is essential to the process of spiritual awakening.
5. Talk to God
When you’ve finally shed all of your old beliefs, let go of relationships and status, and started to live in your most authentic way, you will feel at peace. You will start to feel a connection to all things.
It will be obvious that you always had the ability to communicate with the great Spirit that pervades the universe. You have to achieve that level of ease and self-knowledge to really feel in flow with the universe, but you will notice more and more that God communicates with you through events and coincidences throughout your life. You just never attuned yourself to that before.
You can start talking to God today, even if you don’t yet fully believe that you’re being heard. Tell the universe what you want. Confide in the unknown forces that surround you. Lay out a plan and dedicate yourself to co-creating your new reality. This is how the process of spiritual awakening starts.

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Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

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Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

About Emily
I’m a spiritual coach, meditation instructor, tarot reader & psychic, and twin flame expert. I also love occult books and I nerd out on ancient mysteries.
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