The Death of a Twin Flame: How to Deal
The Death of a Twin Flame: How to Deal

The Death of a Twin Flame: How to Deal

grieving the death of a twin flame
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When your twin flame dies, it’s like you died. That’s because this person is you — it sounds crazy to anyone who hasn’t experienced it, but you’re more than deeply connected with this person. When they die, it’s a type of grief that has no match. And it can be incredibly isolating to grieve when it’s someone who, to other people, didn’t seem to be significant in your life. 

Twin flames share such a deep connection, that when one dies, it becomes immediately apparent that the physical level of existence you shared was never important. They’re beyond the veil now, but they’re still right next to you. 

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Many twin flames awaken to their psychic abilities when the other dies. They begin to hear voices and have conversations with their twin flame in their heads. Others are faced with relentless signs from the other side along with coincidences they can’t explain.

I am a twin flame coach, that’s why I know this. And it happened to me a few years ago. My twin flame died suddenly and I was faced with the realization that I am a psychic medium. Of course, he was the only one on the other side who I wanted to talk to for a long time. But it was wild how comfortable it was to speak to a dead person. And many of my clients have told me that they’ve experienced the same thing.

You’re Not Crazy

You won’t hear about this experience from the people going through it. It’s scary at first because it makes you feel like you’re going crazy. You can’t even tell your therapist that you’ve been communicating with dead people or that you’re beyond depressed because of the death of someone who wasn’t part of your daily life. Everyone will think you’re mad.

This experience doesn’t fit into most peoples’ version of “normal” reality.

You may get messages from the beyond that don’t make sense. Your electronics could start acting funny. There may be signs from this person everywhere you go. You might feel as though a guardian angel is constantly guiding you. Your dreams may be vivid and informative.

So, the first thing you have to do is understand that you’re not crazy. You are not alone, either. Many others have experienced this same thing.

Find Other Twin Flames

When my twin flame died, it was an incredibly isolating experience. Nobody else could relate to my relationship with him or the grief I was feeling. I felt like I had died. It was like being swallowed up in an abyss of sadness. Because I had only known him for a short time, there was no one I knew who could share the grief with me. It was a lonely path to walk.

Luckily, through my writing, I gradually found many others who had gone through the same kind of experience. Then, not knowing how important it would turn out to be, I gathered these people and formed a twin flame grief support group. This was a big part of my healing journey because I was able to connect with others. I was able to understand that I wasn’t alone.

The twin flame support group is still going strong and I have been a twin flame grief counselor for more than two years now. I have heard the most amazing stories from others like me.

I recommend finding a community or at least one friend who can relate to you. It may seem impossible to find anyone on this planet who is going through a similar experience but trust me, we’re here.

Use Your Psychic Abilities

I am a strong believer that to heal, we must heal others. This is the concept of the wounded healer. In order to heal others, we must have faced some kind of wound. And to heal ourselves, it is often essential to help someone else. Redirect your focus toward something good in the world.

So, if your psychic abilities are developing, then I recommend using them to help someone else. You’d be surprised at how powerful you are. People need your message. Sometimes, just a simple confirmation that there is an afterlife is so healing to someone else.

Heal others and heal yourself.

twin flame coaching

Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

Get clarity on your twin flame journey! Ask your questions and understand the spiritual nature of the situation.

Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

Twin Flame Support Group


  1. Jenn

    I believe full heartedly my twin flame was the man I have been with for 8 years until recently we split 3 months later I hit a call he had been ejected from the vehicle and I knew then he had passed already cause I felt like I needed to go had boots on didn’t understand where or why I was feeling this then the call came ..
    there have been many things since as well .. I already knew then about my gifts but always questioned my sanity about them but cannot deny this recent series of events and signs… now I feel empty lost sad so deep inside so sad

      1. Jennifer Bergman

        I just came across this again I had no idea how to find it .. I just made a trip back to the crash for new years.. confirmed death certificate I feel different but still so sad and so just here but feel no drive no purpose …
        I find myself wishing I had been in that car with him so he wasn’t left alone ..
        so I wasn’t left alone.. I feel so alone ..

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