Why You Should Believe in Miracles
I would like to take you on a magical mystery tour now that might help you to understand that no matter what befalls you, you will always have great days ahead if you choose to believe.
I would like to take you on a magical mystery tour now that might help you to understand that no matter what befalls you, you will always have great days ahead if you choose to believe.
Are you a Pitta type? You might be familiar with Pitta burnout, a phenomenon that occurs when you go too hard. Here’s some help for you.
You are not just a physical body. Get over this notion, and you’ll see that healing begins on a spiritual level and spans all levels of your existence.
Don’t let the pain consume you, let it fuel you. The biggest periods of trauma are a gift from the universe.
I have the answers that people seek for overall well-being, but they don’t want it. People ignore the fact that they’ve created their health and they have the power to heal through new choices.
Health isn’t always about medicine. Health is what happens when we don’t need medicine. Reclaim your power to heal yourself!
You can make a difference. Learn how to become one with nature so you can create a more sustainable planet to live on. Heal yourself while healing your environment.
Humanity needed a kick in the butt to realize its self-destruction, and Mother Earth gave us one. Understand that the real pandemic was our “normal” life before 2020.
I never believed in guardian angel stories until I experienced synchronicities after my marriage ended. It’s all real. Look for the support and protection you need, and your guides won’t let you down.
Ayurveda gave me the knowledge and tools to change my approach to wellness, nutrition, eating, and life. I healed myself with ancient wisdom, and you can, too.