What Happens If You Don’t Surrender to The Universe?
What Happens If You Don’t Surrender to The Universe?

What Happens If You Don’t Surrender to The Universe?

surrender to the universe
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It has become obvious to me throughout my exploration of spiritual truths that we have to let something go if we want it to manifest. We must surrender to the universe. When we focus on it, obsess, pine after it, and chase, it tends to run away. It fades. That’s because when you do these things, you’re showing fear. Fear is not an attractor of anything but more fear.

What you truly want will run away in fear, mirroring your own feelings. It makes it harder to catch it — and I’m talking energetically. You have to ease up and trust.

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Trust the universe. Trust yourself. Understand that everything has its time and your only job is to try to find love and joy in the present moment. Do what brings you and others feelings of peace and happiness. Always. You don’t have to do anything else.

Don’t try to force it. Learn to let go. Surrender to the universe.

This is the hardest part of the journey of life for all of us. Letting go of control is the biggest thing you can ever do for your spiritual path. Once you master this, you will find a sense of lightness and liberation. It requires self-reflection. You have to be able to pull back whenever you find yourself trying to keep control. Meditation helps with this process, but it takes a lot of inner awareness, which is a great spiritual feat.

Release Your Grip

Understand that as long as you are chasing, holding on tightly, and trying to keep something, it creates an energetic phenomenon of negativity that repels the very thing you want and desire. This concept is nothing new. It’s found in many, if not all, of the world’s cultural religions and traditions.

Releasing the tight grip you have on the things you’re scared of losing is important. It shows the universe that you aren’t afraid and makes way for fulfillment, abundance, and joy to flourish. Let it flow, let it go. Don’t show the fear that will actually make it more likely to lose the very thing you fear. (Disney’s Elsa knows about this!)

Let it be what it needs to be and enjoy the journey without expectations. If the object of your desires is only temporary, then embrace that idea and learn to love in the moment. (Hint: all things in physical form are temporary!) Stop fearing what the future holds.

You Never Really Had Control

Trying to keep control only shows the energy that makes up the fabric of the universe that you don’t understand your own existence. You never had total control in the first place. You never had a chance of that control which you seek.

Even the world’s most intelligent people try to gain and keep control, not understanding their own nature. They are part of a great tapestry. We are all part of the fabric of the universe, not above it. We must act in accordance with its laws and flow with the energy of creation. We must surrender to the universe to flow with it.

We don’t know better than that great mind we inhabit, though it is tempting to think that we can conquer pieces of the universe. Embodying fear and chasing control does not benefit us because that is an act of separation and dissent. We aren’t here to rail against the universe. We aren’t here to fight ourselves.

We must work with the energy of our existence in harmony with the rest of the universe, not figure out ways to rise above and struggle against it.

When you hold onto control and embody a sense of fear of losing something, you create a disturbance in the energy field of your life. The universe is made of energy. It responds.

The Way Energy Flows

When you expend your energy trying to chase something that you can’t catch, you are giving away your power to fear. You’re exhausting yourself trying to grab onto something that was never able to be possessed in the first place. Learn to stop trying to hold on, learn to let it go.

It shows only fear and a denial of the nature of the universe when you chase and attach. You are in flow with the universe, not a point of control against or above it. When you understand this, it all starts to make sense why you should ease up and surrender to the universe.

Think about standing in the middle of a snowstorm. Can you catch the snow? You can certainly try. But you will exhaust yourself. The more you try to grab onto the snowflakes, the more disturbance you cause in the air, making the flakes change their path and direction, when they were on a peaceful path of gravity to the Earth that was meant for them. You don’t need to interrupt this. Just let the snow fall. Let it be. You never had a chance of catching it all and keeping it for yourself.

Recognize when you can hold onto something for a moment and when you can’t. Know when to let go of control.

When things aren’t going your way, just let go of control. Allow the universe to arrange the energy — like the snowflakes — in the way that is meant to be. Don’t use up your energy trying to keep things the way you thought they were supposed to be. That’s like trying to catch snow in the wind.

You don’t know better than the universe. Let it all happen as it’s meant to happen. Surrender to it.

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Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

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Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

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