Tarot Readings Access the Spiritual Script
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Tarot Readings Access the Spiritual Script

tarot reads the spiritual script
Image credit: Canva

Why does tarot work? I’ve come into a new awakening about tarot readings. As I do them more and more, I learn new things about how tarot works and what information we are able to glean from the cards. Sometimes I read current energies, sometimes I ask for advice about what to do right now or in the future, and sometimes I ask about what to expect that is coming up. How could any of it be possible if there wasn’t a spiritual script?

What I mean is this: this reality (the one in which you are right now reading this) is theater. It’s a movie. It’s a puppet show. We are souls experiencing human life by playing different roles. I have my role and you have your role. We know why we’re here and some part of us knows where we’re headed because deep down, we know there’s a script we’re supposed to be following – a spiritual script.

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Our roles have certain tasks, challenges, storylines, and quests we must complete in this lifetime. Just as actors can’t read their lines when they’re on stage, it’s difficult to read the script while we’re playing it out, but it’s there. The script is guiding our lives.

We can’t read the script when we’re living it — usually. But there is a script. There is something called destiny.

The reading of this ‘destiny script’ is what a tarot card reading is all about.

You following me so far? Let me break it down some more.

The Script of Your Life

This script is not to be taken lightly. Some people call it a soul contract or the akashic records. Whatever you want to call it, there’s a divine plan. You came into this life to do something important and learn big lessons. The cards remind you to stay on track.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the plot of this puppet show. The storylines of this script may trick you into thinking it’s the only reality that ever was. So, you start holding on tightly to things you don’t want to lose and letting the fear of surrendering to the plot get you down. Anxiety and stress arise as you rail against the events in your life that are out of your control.

Come get a tarot reading. It will help you remember who you really are — a character in a very exciting plot. It’s the greatest adventure story ever told!

A tarot reading will remind you that you have certain energies you need to embody in your role and that you must learn certain lessons. It will help you see parts of the script and ask questions to understand why they’re there. For a short time, you can step back from the story and see it on a higher level.

Storylines Rely on Archetypes

Tarot is all about archetypes. All types of decks contain cards that represent various archetypal energies. This is why they can apply to any of us — because we all share an understanding of the archetypes of humanity and this reality.

Minor and major arcana are broad and specific parts of our stories, and the cards are sequences into a story themselves. For instance, the cups start with a hopeful beginning and go through some trials and tribulations until, finally, they end in happiness with the ten of cups. The major arcana also represent a great soul journey starting with The Fool and ending with The World. When you get a reading, you’re being told at what point in those storylines you currently are.

A tarot reading also tells you that the role you’re playing in this life needs to pay attention to or beware of certain archetypal energy that is coming at you. Some of it you need to embody and some of it you need to interact with. All of it is either for a great lesson that your soul needs or it’s for you to achieve something great. (The greatest thing you can learn or achieve is love.)

Humanity needs you. The collective consciousness needs you to be strong. Your lessons are valuable for us all because we draw on each other’s stories for strength.

Remember That You’re Just Playing a Role

Don’t forget who you are. You’re a soul having a human experience. You’re a puppeteer controlling the puppet. You’re not the puppet.

Whatever happens in this spiritual script, it is meant to be. Sometimes we veer off the scripts to explore something that isn’t meant to be, and we learn not to do that anymore. Life is about learning to flow with the plot and keep resistance to a minimum, focusing on the lessons learned instead of the highs and lows.

And more than anything, the script is there to bring us into love. We must learn to love.

Tarot helps you get closer to who you really are, to your soul purpose, to understand the plot, and to come into universal love.

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