A Spiritual Lifestyle Takes Dedication
A Spiritual Lifestyle Takes Dedication

A Spiritual Lifestyle Takes Dedication

It's difficult to be a spiritual person because it requires you to let go of the ego, which hangs on tightly to things in the physical world.
Image credit: Canva

Nobody said that a spiritual awakening is easy. Living authentically and with integrity can be the hardest thing in the world. When you understand spiritual truths, that is just the first step — the hard part is integrating them into your daily life.

Spiritual awakenings can be thrilling as you gain so much wisdom in a short amount of time, giving you extreme clarity. But don’t assume that your awakening journey is over just because you understand new things — now you have to embody the wisdom. It requires a release of the ego. It can turn into a dark night of the soul.

It’s so easy to merely understand spiritual principles. It’s not easy to put them into practice.

To be able to walk a spiritual path, the ego must be set aside, and most people resist this aspect of spirituality. They want to figure out how they can live their surface-level, mindless existence most of the time while practicing spirituality as a hobby. Living a spiritual life is really hard — many people understand it, but few make it their reality. But dear reader, I know you can do it!

Comfort Breeds Complacency

The universe thrusts spiritual life upon some of us, giving us no choice but to completely re-arrange our lives so that we can live in a more authentic way. This occurs through major life events such as loss and radical change. It’s painful, but the end result is beautiful. For others, it doesn’t happen this way — they are allowed to live more comfortably and don’t feel compelled to change major aspects of their lifestyles.

Most of my clients find me when there has been a major life event that has forced them to reckon with their core identity. This is what happened to me and it’s how I ended up doing my current work — but the beginning wasn’t easy at all. Even when it’s crystal clear what needs to change, it can be very difficult to actually make those changes. Fear can make you resistant to even the most obvious choices. It was terrifying when my life totally fell apart — and it happened multiple times in waves — because I felt like I had no ground left to stand on. I had to find my way after having hit rock bottom a few times.

So, I can just imagine how hard it is to even think of making the major changes needed in your life if you’ve never gone through a cataclysmic life event. And I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But sometimes it makes it “easier” to move in a new direction.

It Takes Effort and Discipline

What I am saying is that you don’t need a cataclysmic life event to light a fire under your ass. You can integrate spiritual authenticity into your life right now. But it will take a tremendous amount of effort.

You have to put in the work. It’s that simple, and yet it’s so incredibly difficult.

A spiritual life requires discipline, vigilance, and courage. Action is required instead of just words. And nobody can do it for you — you might seek out all the teachers and substances in the world to help set you on your correct soul path, but it won’t make any difference unless you’re willing to set aside the ego and embrace something bigger than yourself. Instead of the universe lighting a fire under your ass, you have to light it yourself. And most people won’t do that unless they have a good reason.

The Ego Likes the Status Quo

The ego keeps you attached to the warm, comfy parts of your life and makes it hard to change. Why would you give up money, security, and relationships to embark on a terrifying adventure that is behind a veil of the unknown? That would seem crazy to most people.

Even if you understand the value in becoming a very spiritual person, why would you do it if it means completely changing your life? It’s very hard to step outside the matrix when you’ve been living in it all this time.

There’s no pill you can take to transform you into a spiritual person. There’s no ritual you can perform or class you can enroll in that will get you there. You have to do the work yourself.

Please be one of the people who is brave enough to follow through! It’s good for the collective. Every soul that makes the choice is creating a ripple effect in the energy of humanity.

Tarot Readings

Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your spiritual journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

Spiritual Counseling

Understand your path and how to manifest your best life. Learn about inner healing or talk about your soul’s purpose. Book a session to talk about your spiritual journey with Emily!

About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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