My Spiritual Awakening Ruined My Life
My Spiritual Awakening Ruined My Life

My Spiritual Awakening Ruined My Life

spiritual awakening ruined my life
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Like many people, I had a spiritual awakening in 2020. Simultaneously, everything in my life fell apart. You might say that the spiritual awakening ruined my life, but keep reading, because you will find that incredible things followed the destruction. There has to be a clearing away of old ways before the new ways can begin.

I experienced a great deal of change within a short period. As I began to reflect on the direction of humanity, my life path, and the truth about existence, the universe seemed to pick off various “stable” parts of my life, one by one. As I felt the ground crumble under my feet, I became aware that it was all for my highest good and consciousness.

Everything happens for a reason. I became aware that there are no accidents in this universe. My path was unfolding in just the right way for me to have the biggest awakenings possible. I couldn’t stop it, although I was terrified. I knew in my heart that it was all happening for me to embody my greatest potential, and yet, I was scared of losing everything I thought was important until then. I had built my whole life and identity around ideals like marriage and career. 

But the universe wanted me to let it all go. I experienced great depression, fear, and darkness, but also great moments of awe in the face of divine guidance. Looking back, I wouldn’t change any of it. Let me tell you how it happened. Spoiler alert: I am okay, and it turned out better than I could have ever expected.

My Marriage Ended

Lightning seemed to strike down everything I thought was important just when I least expected it, starting with my marriage. I wasn’t even fully aware of how toxic and abusive that relationship had been for years. I had become a shell of the woman I once was. I had to leave in order to finally understand what I had escaped from.

In the summer of 2020, I discovered the chakra system and began to study Ayurveda, an ancient system of holistic healing. The universe was just beginning to open up for me. I see now that the marriage had to go because it was part of my blockage. I was not physically or emotionally well because of that attachment.  

As soon as it was cleared away, I had clarity. The very next day after I decided to leave my husband, I felt like the trees were talking to me and the world was suddenly in full color. Divine wisdom shed light on my life for the first time. The marriage had been leading me down a path of voluntary oppression, and when I made the choice to turn back, the miracle of spiritual awakening flooded in.

It was part of my spiritual path to finally stand up, choose peace, and leave the toxic past behind. It was my destiny.

It was a difficult path to heal from that cataclysmic life event. I was a single mom overnight. I had no idea how I was going to survive with a full-time job and a full-time child. I also doubted that I’d ever find love again. I felt that the future was hopeless. But the universe always had it all worked out for me — and it was never as hard as I had imagined it would be. 

My Last Matrix Job

Then, I lost my job. I had been in the corporate matrix for a long time in several different jobs — mainly startups. Like many people, I was working for a paycheck in exchange for drudgery disguised as altruism. I was willingly taking part in a broken system.

I was a slave to money. I had creative skills in software engineering, able to solve novel problems and build apps and websites with a team, and yet, my skills were being used by someone else to get rich. In my opinion, they were not being used to save the world, and yet I was told over and over that the work I was doing was essential to humanity. 

I also hated working like this, but like most people, I convinced myself of the lie that I loved my work. I tricked myself into believing that I wanted this career as a software engineer, which I had worked so hard for. I made myself focus on the parts of my job that I liked, such as the free snacks and the cool coworkers. I assumed it was normal to do work that wasn’t fulfilling and to live for the weekend when I’d blow my paycheck on things that didn’t matter. I didn’t know any other kind of lifestyle was available to me

I Embraced My True Purpose

I knew I didn’t belong in the corporate matrix, but as a newly single mom, I wasn’t about to quit. I needed the regular paycheck. So, the universe had to force me out of this corporate environment. Just a couple of months after my marriage ended — the worst thing I could imagine happening until that point — I found myself in the process of being fired. I was terrified of being unemployed. And yet, somehow, I just knew it was all happening as part of some greater plan.

I started seeing repeated numbers — initially, it was 555 everywhere. I saw bald eagles every day in the wild. Strange coincidences kept grabbing my attention. I was also experiencing downloads about who I was meant to be, and meditating more and more. I could no longer ignore the pull to be a healer. So, I enrolled in a couple of certification courses to become a spiritual teacher. I also started writing on Medium. 

I began to embrace the idea that I wasn’t meant to work in a conventional job.

I was fired from my job in early 2021, but by then, I had established great trust in the universe. I had finally surrendered control and allowed the current to take me where I needed to be. I allowed everything to fall apart so that it could be rebuilt far stronger.

I Now Live the Dream I Once Had

I had no idea what was going to happen to me when I was fired, but I wrote down my ideas about what I hoped to do. I knew I could no longer waste my time working just for a paycheck. Money wasn’t enough to fulfill me. I could never go back to having a boss in the corporate matrix. I needed to elevate humanity now. Life is too short to live in fear; I have to make use of the time I have here.

And guess what? It all worked out. It took time and a lot of blind faith, but I now do the work that I once only dreamed was possible. I listened to my heart and soul telling me that this was my destiny. Nothing I am doing now would have been possible if I had stayed in that marriage or if I had chased after corporate jobs. 

I now make choices from the soul and not out of fear. I don’t need a relationship or a job to fulfill me. As long as I stay on this path, I am complete.

I just had to trust and keep choosing the right path for myself. I now know that everything is always going to be okay. As long as I am aligned with the universe’s path for me, I will always be taken care of by forces beyond my awareness.

The Awakening Continues

I had cleared away abusive relationships and unfulfilling work in my life, leaving space for something new. All the miracles began to happen. I needed to enter the void before I could gain great wisdom.

In the years that followed 2020, my life has continued to become extraordinary. The awakenings never cease. When you open yourself to the universe as I did, you are asking for the wildest ride that life has to offer. The loss of my job and my marriage turned out to be the least interesting of all the things I’ve experienced. 

I have had many dark nights of the soul since then. Each time, when I come back to the light, I am at a higher place in my consciousness than I had been before.

I know what it means to become one with darkness, to succumb to depression, and then to surrender it all to the universe. I know what it’s like to fall on my knees, humbled by life, and beg for salvation. I have lost everything and then gained it back again. And I write this so that you, dear reader, can come back to the light with me.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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