The Soul Wants to Learn and Grow
The Soul Wants to Learn and Grow

The Soul Wants to Learn and Grow

soul growth is like soul university
Image credit: Canva

Being human is a strange and challenging existence. There are wonders to behold as well as great pain to be felt. There’s no way around any of it. Being human is heavy. There’s so much to understand and keep afloat all the time. You just can’t rest. Even your vacations are full of human-y worries and considerations. Soul growth is painful, but being human is how the soul does it.

You’re a soul here in human form and you chose to be here. While you’re here, there’s no real break — no “summer vacation” for the soul. Life is full of constant challenges, which is exactly the way it’s supposed to be. Souls like to experience being human because it’s the best way to learn the greatest lessons about love. It’s soul university and it’s insane.

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Why Am I Here?

Naturally, you may be asking why any soul in their right mind would ever come here to planet Earth. It’s a place where, even though there are wide open spaces of beautiful nature to get lost in, most of us have jobs and bills to pay, so we sit indoors fretting about things that are always temporary. It makes no sense. The greatest lesson we can ever learn is how to free ourselves from human constraints — while we’re still here.

Life is full of unfair struggles. There’s an incredible feeling you can get when you fall in love, but often, the person you love won’t love you back and it’s confusing. There is great suffering, war, and death to be grieved. Meanwhile, most of us have no clue why we’re even here. Being human sucks.

What Are My Lessons?

Perhaps you’re wondering what your soul is really getting out of this human experience. If you’re supposed to be learning big lessons, what kind of lessons are they? Is it working? Why does it require so much discomfort?

I would like for you to understand the incredible chance you’re probably wasting.

Soul university — where you are right now — is a miracle. All the pain and suffering mean something. It all makes sense in the greater consciousness of the universe — the sculpting of your life looks like a masterpiece in the big picture. The struggles you go through make the triumphs even more beautiful. Soul growth requires the hardships.

The soul longs to experience darkness so that it can find the light again. The soul in human form has the chance to discover light over and over again by riding the rollercoaster of human life. We don’t remember anything outside this life, so finding light and love is even more meaningful because it feels new while we’re here.

The lesson is love. Learning how love works and what it can do.

It Won’t Make Sense

As humans, we struggle with the truth. There’s more to existence than meets the eye. But we do everything in our power to resist seeing it or believing in it because our weird human minds are so logical. We crave a world where everything makes sense so that we can feel safe, but instead, we’re thrown into nearly-impossible situations that almost never make sense.

Souls want to learn what life means by being given no context and no memory of what we really are. You are born and it’s a clean slate. We have to learn to see by blinding ourselves.

Souls want to experience total chaos for the thrill of knowing truth again.

Soul University (Earth) is not supposed to be fun. We’re here to study — to understand concepts of beauty, love, and truth with new eyes. We’re all philosophy majors.

It’s your responsibility to do your coursework by finding the good in all of the bad situations. Embrace your soul growth. You have so much power. Bring your lessons back to the universe so that the collective of souls can grow and heal.

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. If this writing helps you, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

Check out everything I offer here.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

Tarot Readings

Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

messy meditation book

Buy the Book

Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course

Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.

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