6 Signs of Spiritual Alignment
6 Signs of Spiritual Alignment

6 Signs of Spiritual Alignment

signs of spiritual alignment
Image credit: Canva

Are things in your path becoming weirdly the same? I’m talking about coincidences that can’t be ignored, repeated situations, concepts, and objects, and the feeling of flow. Things seem a little bit easier when reality is converging, right? Life feels lighter. The signs of spiritual alignment have a lot to do with sameness and convergence.

When you are in alignment with your purpose and the greater purpose of the universe, you find yourself in a whole new world.

A state of flow is when you are not resisting or struggling against the way things are going in your life. You’ve aligned with the rest of creation. You’ve figured out what you’re supposed to be doing. Nothing is blocking you from your soul path.

Maybe you’ve released attachments recently. Or, you could have healed some trauma. Maybe you finally realized who you truly are.

There are many ways to arrive. But the end result feels the same for us all: it’s a sense of perfection and bliss. Things just start to go your way. Life seems like a beautiful adventure and you can’t wait to see what comes next.

When reality converges, things happen in your physical world that make it seem like everything is connected — which, of course, it is.

Things shift and the changes aren’t only within you, but also manifesting in the world around you. Here are some of the things that start to happen when you’re in a flow state. Stay in awareness of the signs of spiritual alignment.


The “coincidences” ramp up when you’re in a converging reality. Things just start to be the same. I’ll explain some of these coincidences in detail next, but to introduce them, I must point out that they can come in any form. They’re not only numbers, situations, or songs on the radio. They could be anything.

When we acknowledge that nothing is random and everything happens for a reason, we stop calling them “coincidences” and start calling them synchronicities.

TV Shows

I was watching a seemingly random Korean drama — which Netflix so graciously and synchronically suggested for me — that turned out to have storylines eerily similar to my life and that of my closest friends. It was incredible.

I wondered how a TV show could represent that point in my life so well. Did I attract this or is it happening because of me? I don’t have what answer but I suppose it is a combination of both. The point is that my converging reality allowed it, and this TV show not only represented my life but gave me powerful lessons I needed to learn just then.

Your TV might start showing you things you need to pay attention to, and it will get your attention by showing you coincidences.

Don’t ignore those messages that might come to you in the form of stories. I’ve seen it happen for me with short stories and novels as well. Surrender and let the story teach you something.

Repeated Situations

The TV was showing me situations that were the same as my life, but other parts of life started to show me recurring themes. Someone blocked me on social media who I cared about deeply, and all of a sudden everyone I met was telling me about someone being blocked on social media, or people from my past who I’d previously blocked started reappearing. Stories all around me were about blockings on social media! It was wild how the synchronicities came at me.

People would tell me they were going through something that I had just gone through in my own life. I’d overhear conversations of strangers talking about things I was also facing. The world was mirroring the themes within me.

I started to wonder if everything was always this level of sameness and if the sky is even supposed to be blue every day. (Yes, it makes you start to lose your mind a little because you begin to doubt all assumptions of reality.)

People You Meet

There are two things I’ve noticed when this reality convergence starts to happen. The first is that people who appear in my path — seemingly gravitating toward my energy — have stories with commonalities to mine. They either tell me something important I need to hear about my own current struggles or they surprise me with information that is a deep coincidence.

Secondly, I’ve noticed that groups of people with the same name appear. They may have variations of spelling but it’s the same nonetheless.

I think that both of these types of occurrences are more examples of the signs that reality is converging, things are aligning, and life is moving in the direction that the universe is moving.

Repeated Numbers

We can’t talk about synchronicities without mentioning the numbers. If you’ve ever seen the number 11 over and over — or any other repeated number or sequence like 333, 55, 7171 — you have probably already googled what this means.

There are a plethora of explanations out there about why this is happening. You can believe what you want. But I think your level of consciousness is reflected in the story you believe. If you want to think angels are sending you messages, it’s not wrong if that makes sense to you.

I offer a different explanation. You are aligning your path with that of your highest self, your greatest purpose — the purpose you get from Source. Everything is converging because you are no longer denying your oneness with the rest of creation.

Things Start to Make Sense

As your reality converges and things move into a state of flow, life starts to make sense. You feel at ease. You feel one with everything. The synchronicities will continue to increase in frequency. Signs of spiritual alignment are all about these things.

It’ll get weirder until the weirdness makes sense and your old, mundane reality no longer makes sense. Your “normal” will never be the same.

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