Spiritual Awakenings Are Insane
Spiritual Awakenings Are Insane

Spiritual Awakenings Are Insane

spiritual awakenings are insane
Image credit: Canva

After my first awakening, I thought that was it. There was only light and dark — I had been living in ignorance, and suddenly I could see clearly. It was a wonderful feeling like Dorothy coming out of her house into the Land of Oz for the first time — everything is suddenly in color. Things make sense. Life is beautiful.

Of course, let us not forget that Dorothy probably felt like she was going insane coming out that door. In an awakening, the world looks different and the characters in it seem really weird all of a sudden.

In addition, it turns out that there are so many more layers to consciousness and awareness. Once you awaken a little bit, there’s always a deeper level waiting for you to discover. Sometimes, you discover that you sound completely mad to other people.

You sometimes won’t be able to tell whether you’re losing your marbles or if everyone else is crazy.

When you realize that everything has meaning and every object in existence is connected, you simply can’t go back to the old way of thinking. You can’t go back into the matrix. You can’t climb back down the ladder. The only way to go is up.

The higher you climb, the crazier you feel. The mundane, physical world that we live within just isn’t set up to reassure you. It does the opposite — making you question your inner wisdom at every turn.

Other People Won’t Understand You

While you’re changing rapidly, the people who surround you in your life will seem like they haven’t changed at all. Who knows why some of us awaken and others do not? Maybe those of us who have awakenings are more open-minded, or maybe we are more observant. Or maybe our souls always planned it this way.

Let’s be honest — without the element of feeling like you’re going crazy, it wouldn’t seem like a miracle. The oppression by the rest of the world is a necessary part of a spiritual awakening because it challenges you to have compassion for others and to help lift them up.

Spiritual Awakenings Hurt

We have ups and downs in awakenings. As humans, we feel. When our views don’t fit in with the society around us, it’s depressing. It’s lonely. You can see such hope and you understand how to heal the planet, but others only seem to act out of greed and anger. It’s like an uphill battle. You may lose hope. You may lose faith.

Losing faith in the universe and in yourself hurts.

Are you the only one in your vicinity who talks about seeing repeated numbers like 111? Are you able to see that love is the answer to all of humanity’s problems but you feel like your words go unheard? People may literally call you crazy, and that’s painful.

I don’t have much to say except that you’re not alone, and maybe — just maybe — if all of us crazy folks stick together, we can actually change the world.

You’re Not Crazy.

I know that from wherever you’re reading this, it doesn’t seem real, but there are many of us who are feeling this. We are scattered across the globe.

In my spiritual coaching work, I have talked to many people in your shoes. It’s actually incredible. Imagine! There’s someone like you in every corner of the human-inhabited Earth. From the rainforests of South America to the mountains of West Virginia to the tundras of Russia — there’s someone like you.

And if you are seeking a friend, the universe will lead you to one of them. Just ask.

You may always feel like you’re a little bit crazy, but you can at least be going crazy in good company.

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. For more about me, have a look at my website. If this writing helps you, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

Check out everything I offer here.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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