Signs of a Real Psychic or Healer
Signs of a Real Psychic or Healer

Signs of a Real Psychic or Healer

signs of a real psychic
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When it comes to light workers, how can you tell whether you’re dealing with the “real deal” or with someone who is selling snake oil? What are the signs of a real psychic or healer? There is a spectrum of talent in the spiritual community and there are many kinds of healers. They come in all shapes and sizes. But the bottom line is this: an authentic and quality psychic will have complexity. 

What do I mean by ‘complexity’? It’s about self-awareness. Often, that requires some experience with the dark depression, acknowledging their own evolution, and setting aside the ego. A quality light worker will have a deep connection with their soul’s journey and draw on this experience to help others heal.

1. They’ve Been Into Darkness and Back

Someone who hasn’t endured loss, deep grief, and a dark night of the soul is of little use to others as a healer or psychic. To be an impactful healer, they need to have hit rock bottom before. Some may have the ability to see into the future or speak to spirits, but it does them little benefit unless they can also translate these abilities into something that can guide someone else out of the darkness. 

For instance, there was an influential psychic who helped me a lot during my early spiritual awakening. She was so alluring because she told people about her own life and struggles. She supported others but at the same time, shared with us how she had to heal from a broken marriage and the challenges of becoming a single mom. This made her incredibly powerful to help others.

A healer must have healed before. A psychic must have known what it means to lose everything. They know the way out of the darkness and they can create a light from their souls that lead the way for others. 

Without having journeyed deep into the territory of hopelessness, they won’t value faith and the purpose of life. How can they deliver a message that might bring you back to light if they’ve never experienced a dark night of the soul when blind faith saved their soul?

2. They Admit Mistakes and Are Still Learning

I don’t trust anyone who thinks they have nothing left to learn, let alone light workers. If a psychic or healer thinks they already have everything figured out, it means they don’t feel the wondrous awe of being alive, for life is a constant lesson. They must be able to express to you that they are also on a soul journey.

Sometimes they make mistakes. We all do. Don’t seek guidance or healing from anyone who is too arrogant to show that they can err, just like anyone can. A great healer or psychic will constantly be seeking knowledge and always strive to be better at their craft than they were the day before.

In my career as a psychic and healer, I am always revising my ideologies and evolving as a person. When I look back at things I wrote a few years ago, I can guarantee you that I would disagree with the words and thoughts of my younger self. I admit, some of my early ideas were misguided. Thank goodness I keep learning because if I had stayed the same, I wouldn’t be as valuable as I am now to light the way for others.

3. They Put Their Egos Aside

A quality psychic isn’t doing their work for material wealth, fame, followers, or status. They often will tell you that they didn’t ask to be psychic and that the profession just came upon them. They knew that they had to use their gifts to heal others, so they set aside any other aspirations they may have had and embraced the greater good.

Sometimes I unfollow healers on social media when it seems that they are using spirituality to gain something. If their content seems ego-driven, and their lifestyles don’t seem to match the lessons they teach, I don’t trust them. I don’t believe anymore that the most talented spiritual gurus have the most followers or attention. I seek authentic characters who are clearly focused on the greater good and not on themselves or on social media algorithms.

Humanity is in a dark place, and we need all the healers we can get. The more genuine healers there are, the better. Of course, we all must make a living and have money for a comfortable existence if we are going to be able to benefit the rest of humanity from a secure place in life. So, an exchange of services for the value of money is natural in this work, as it is in other industries. But the primary goal of a real psychic or healer isn’t to make money. 

4. They Help You Release Attachments

Not only will a “real” psychic be able to set aside their egos, but they will encourage you to do the same. When you come to them with a problem, they will not try to give you quick fixes, answers about other people, and/or answers you want to hear. These things end up allowing you to continue to attach to things outside you that are fueling your misery. This is not what a healer does. A healer tries to help you release ego attachments so you can live a happier, more independent life.

I always gently guide my clients away from the questions they ask about the behavior, thoughts, and feelings of others, and focus more on what they can do to create a path forward. Bliss is contained in freedom and autonomy, and you can’t achieve these two things by relying on validation from the outside world. Self-trust and trust in the universe are key ingredients for a fulfilling life. I want everyone to see that true happiness comes down to the self, healing is under your control, and answers come from your inner world.

Beware of the psychic who wants to perform curses or cut cords. Steer clear of a healer who wants you to buy crystals, substances, and talismans. You deserve more complex answers than simple quick fixes like this. The real deal will always show you the path toward the answers and healing you seek. It requires more effort and complexity, but it is the only way to evolve as a person.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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