Interpreting Signs and Synchronicities from the Heart
Interpreting Signs and Synchronicities from the Heart

Interpreting Signs and Synchronicities from the Heart

signs and synchronicities
Image credit: Canva

At the most unexpected of times, unusual things appear. On the morning that I am writing this, I witnessed a majestic stag crossing a stream — something I’d seen only once before in my life in the wild. The first time was just a week ago. The signs and synchronicities around me are endless.

It was so beautiful that I almost cried. The way he sauntered slowly through the water on his morning stroll was just too incredible. And just minutes earlier, I’d somehow remembered that I saw stags in a dream the night before. I experienced both the appearance of a new spirit animal and a coincidence at the same time.

So, what does this mean? There’s a lot to say on this topic. I don’t want to list out different animals, number sequences, and weird coincidences here to then discuss their meanings. I want to give you the toolbox to be able to figure out meanings for yourself.

The first thing I recommend doing is shifting your mindset about reality. This is everything. Once you do this, you can see life as if it was a dream, and then interpret situations the same way you would for a dream.

Secondly, you have to realize that the meaning of things can be different for each person. We all have archetypal energy and concepts we can draw on for understanding reality, but your own journey also shapes the meaning of signs and synchronicities that you encounter.

See the World as a Dream

The world isn’t what you think. Your experiences are a manifestation of energy. Your world is a classroom for your soul.

You perceive the world most of the time as if it’s meaningless and mundane — but it’s not.

The first thing you must do when interpreting signs is to realize that absolutely every part of your life, down to the smallest details, is full of meaning. Nothing is an accident. It’s like a dream — there’s nothing out of place and nothing doesn’t belong.

Interpret your life like you interpret dreams. I argue all the time that your life is the same or even less real than a dream anyway!

When you see something unusual or a coincidence, approach it as a dream interpretation. What symbolism does it have? What significance does it have for you? Nothing is impossible, so how can this manifestation connect with something seemingly unrelated within your life?

Think for Yourself and Find What’s Significant to You

A google search can tell you a lot of conflicting information about the symbolism of different signs and synchronicities. You can easily end up overthinking. This gets you nowhere fast.

You should think about the sign or coincidence in terms of what it can mean for you. This may not be the same meaning as it is for someone else.

When I saw the stag this morning, I knew right away what it meant. I’ve been studying shamanism and I know that the stag is a great symbol in cultures worldwide for shamanic journeying. The stag represents shapeshifting and otherwordly travel. it also represents healing. Shamans often transform into this animal in their practice. I’ve known for a while that I am on a path toward achieving the same kind of transformation.

The stag was a reminder of my life purpose. It was a manifestation in my world to tell me I need to remember who I really am. It was like the spirit world was calling to me.

But if you saw the stag, it might mean something totally different. If you’ve encountered deer and stags in your ramblings, you might attribute a different meaning to this sighting. Or, it may mean something like independence and the energy of leadership. Stags are great masculine creatures. If you’re a man, it could really be telling you to activate your divine masculine power. It could even signify a visitation from a departed loved one.

My point is that no one can truly tell you what it meant. Of course, as a spiritual coach, I could talk it through with you. But at the end of the day, it is you and you alone who must interpret it.

Make it Matter

My worry is always that people see signs and they do nothing to alter their lives. Your soul and perhaps other spiritual entities have orchestrated this unusual event or coincidence to draw your attention, and you’ve paid attention. Congratulations! The message was delivered.

But what will you do with this message?

This is the main question. You get information, but is it sinking in?

Don’t allow stags, repeated words, and numbers like 111 to reach you without it meaning anything. It can only mean something when you do something about it. Make it matter. Take heed. Don’t go back to your silly life and just think about it when you want to sound spiritual. Actually follow these synchronicities toward something great.

It’s all happening for a reason. What could that reason be?

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. I have a master’s in philosophy which often helps when I write about consciousness. For more about me, have a look at how I can help you.

If my writing helps you and you’d like to support me, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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