The New Era of Self-Love in Relationships
The New Era of Self-Love in Relationships

The New Era of Self-Love in Relationships

self-love in relationships

There are a lot of people in the world trying to find love. Some go for it without reservations and others like to play games with it, creating boundaries in themselves and in the world. But for many who are self-aware, it’s become apparent that self-love is more important than anything. We’re entering a new era of human relationships and how we approach love. The collective is shifting. Some of us now value self-love in relationships.

We’re lifting ourselves out of darkness. The darkness was a place where we frantically attached ourselves to anything that we thought could bring us joy and security. We scrambled to derive meaning from things outside us. But as we go toward the light, we find that meaning, joy, and security are feelings that were always inside us and we can create those feelings any time we wish.

Are you with me?

Humanity is evolving. Things aren’t the same. We learn about ourselves as a collective. The further we go, the more there is to know. I see people fully understanding now that self-love is the most important love there is. Without that, other relationships cannot be healthy.

Love comes from within you. You know this already.

The new era of human relationships involves being emotionally independent before coming into “union” with someone else. It means that you understand nobody can complete you. You fill your own cup. You have always had that ability.

The era of codependency is coming to an end. Of course, some of us are ahead of the majority in this journey, and there will be some stragglers. People who don’t know how to live from the soul level will continue to attach meaning to external things like relationships and the value they believe other people add to their lives.

That’s not you, right? You aren’t codependent. You want to be a better human.

“Love” has come to mean so many things. When I write about it, I notice a lot of times that people assume I’m talking about romantic love. But real love is something that comes from the divine realm. It transcends physical reality.

It is what your soul is made of. It’s everywhere. And there’s a very strong source of it inside your heart. You have the ability to tap into it at any time. You wield so much power because of it.

As humans, we live in darkness a lot of the time. Love seems far away. It feels like it’s fading. We lose the connection with our souls easily because of all the distractions and fears we experience in this life. Relationships can be a distraction if you’re embarking on a journey of love without realizing it’s coming from within instead of from someone else. Self-love in relationships is now more important than ever.

Things are shifting in the collective consciousness. Searching for love outside yourself is no longer cool. Are you keeping up with the times?

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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