Relationships Are Mirrors
Relationships Are Mirrors

Relationships Are Mirrors

relationships are mirrors
Image credit: Canva

The universe knows how to heal. It knows exactly what you need. It knows how to push you to reach higher truths and consciousness. As a human, concepts that you struggle with will always be placed in your trajectory front and center so you’re forced to deal with them. The energy you put into the world attracts matching energy.

For instance, if you fear commitment because you don’t want to be hurt, you’ll be faced with a relationship that challenges you to commit. If you fear abandonment, you’ll be faced with someone who ghosts you periodically. If you struggle with socio-economic disparity in humanity, you will find yourself connected with people who challenge you to have more gratitude. It’s the way relationships serve as mirrors.

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We all have to heal and the only way is to be slightly uncomfortable.

Nothing is an accident. You’ll be challenged again and again. It’s by design. The universe wants you to get better and make new choices. You’re always supposed to be coming closer to compassion, acceptance, and love.

Love is all that matters.

When there’s something deep inside yourself that needs to be healed, the universe sends help. But it’s not in the form of alleviating your pain — no, it’s never that. It will challenge you to overcome that pain. Whatever is causing you negative emotional reactions — childhood trauma, past life trauma, anger, sadness, grief — needs to be faced and confronted. It needs to be dealt with. So, it is amplified by the universe to help you along that path.

Let go of what you’re carrying around and isn’t serving you. If you have deep fears about relationships, you will face a repeated cycle over and over again until you release those fears, and each time you repeat it, the volume will be turned up on the object of your fear until you learn to let go and love yourself more.

If you are desperate to find love because you feel empty inside, then the relationships you attract will do nothing but cause greater feelings of inner emptiness. If you look for love with a sense of fear and skepticism, you will only attract partners who trigger your fears. If you feel unworthy of someone truly loving you, then you will attract people into your life who are not ready to love. This is the way it works.

Instead of looking for someone to fulfill you and solve your problems, look within. No one can heal your wounds except yourself. Some people can help — but the best way they end up helping you, intentionally or not, is for them to push your buttons and cause you discomfort so that you are forced to ascend. Having life the easy way never gets us to learn our lessons.

Another person cannot complete you. Only you can complete you. Only you can fill your cup. The lesson is to stop searching outside for what exists within you.

The problems of your inner world are always mirrored in the outside world. Relationships are the way we learn. Your inner issues and pain are always going to be represented in your relationships. Learn this now and free yourself from future pain and the repetition of your lessons.

Tarot Readings

Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

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Buy the Book

Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course

Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.

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