Help Raise the Vibration of the Collective Consciousness
Help Raise the Vibration of the Collective Consciousness

Help Raise the Vibration of the Collective Consciousness

raise the vibration of the collective consciousness
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This may be a hard pill for some to swallow, but helping other people is the only thing that you can do that matters. While you’re incarnated on this planet, you must work in service of other people or things. It is the highest form of good you can do. Help raise the vibration of the collective consciousness by using your time on Earth to help others and be of service to humanity.

Nothing you do in selfishness is worth anything spiritually. Your ego can take control of your life if you allow it to, and it will reel you into activities that are self-serving. But this is not the way a spiritual person lives their life. You must transcend the ego.

Sorry — it might come as a shock. We live in a human collective and we are all part of the same whole. Welcome to oneness.

There are plenty of messages in mainstream society that enable us to live on the surface and feed the ego. We’re programmed to believe that we are supposed to be living selfish lives — that’s somehow admirable. Capitalism has trained us well to seek means to selfish ends. We’re encouraged to take on careers that boost our status in the world. We’re told that money is the only currency worth anything. It’s normalized to use other people for their bodies and seek fleeting moments of pleasure. But do you want to know something? There is no pleasure greater than helping another soul along their path in life.

We’ve all had teachers who have helped us find our paths in life. We know how fulfilling it is to have someone believe in us in our darkest hours. Sometimes, a guardian angel in the form of a human descends upon us to bless us with hope, love, and assistance. Now that you’re reading this, it’s your turn. Be the reason that someone else believes in angels. Be the teacher — see how that feels.

To help someone else for a moment or a season instantly heals the souls present to witness the transference of kindness. It’s good for you and it’s good for them. And the energy it creates vibrates throughout the universe in ways your human mind cannot imagine. You don’t know how far the effects of a good deed can travel.

To help another person shine and progress in their soul journey is an experience worth more than gold. It elevates your soul to elevate another. Try it and see that it creates a feeling of great fulfillment — the way that no self-serving activity can do.

The universe supports and protects those who live selflessly, giving to others with no expectation of the good deed being returned.

Money that you keep for yourself is worthless in the long run. Resources that you don’t share may as well turn to ash in your hands. A life lived selfishly is wasted time here on Earth. All of the self-serving endeavors of any kind will go with you to the grave.

When you dedicate your life to helping others, creating random acts of compassion and kindness, and becoming a teacher to someone else with no promise of reward, then you will live forever. Acts of selflessness are remembered. Not people. Your deeds of goodwill will live long after you’re gone — possibly forever. A seed you plant now could produce a tree that lives for a thousand years.

Your private life, lived for yourself, dies with you. If you spend time working on yourself, this is useful to the collective of humanity. Being alone sometimes to heal is necessary because you must do so in order to be of use to someone else later. But just remember, nothing will live past your death except the memories of what you’ve done to help elevate humanity and raise the vibration.

I suggest you start today.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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