My Daughter’s Pre-Birth Memories of “The Tunnel”
My Daughter’s Pre-Birth Memories of “The Tunnel”

My Daughter’s Pre-Birth Memories of “The Tunnel”

Tunnels, before-birth experiences, and greater purpose: a story of how children have a strong connection to their divine selves.

pre birth memories
Image created using Canva

I have always thought it was strange how adults think they know everything. We think kids are the ones who need to be taught and brought up. But why do we assume that the longer we are on this planet, the wiser we are? My daughter told me several times where she was located before her birth into this world, and if I thought I knew everything, I’d have just ignored it and gone on with my mundane life. It would have meant nothing. I’m so glad I learned of her pre-birth memories.

I fear that many adults miss out on the wisdom of children by assuming they know better than them.

I keep an open mind. When my daughter tells me I should do something, or gives me something to think about that didn’t occur to me, I stop myself and wonder where she is coming from. What is the source of her knowledge? I think kids simply have a stronger and more direct connection with their divine selves.

The Tunnel

“Mommy, do you remember in Jeju Island when I was in a tunnel and you and daddy found me?”

Between the time she began to talk and her third year upon this planet, she uttered those words to me on many occasions. I think the first time I heard it, I just laughed and said, “No, honey, there are no tunnels in Jeju Island. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

She was born in Jeju Island. It’s a volcanic island in South Korea, off the tip of the Korean peninsula, close to Japan. I was a teacher there for five years where I met her father. She lived there until she was nine months old, and then we came to my hometown in Maryland. There are no tunnels that I can recall, especially none that she had ever visited. In any case, it seemed unusual for a three-year-old to remember something from infancy.

Near-Death Experiences and Pre-Birth Memories

Around this same time, I had started reading about NDEs (Near-Death Experiences) and every day I would read the latest NDE accounts on the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation website. These tales of existence beyond death are incredible. They often recount experiences of people leaving their bodies, speaking to higher beings, enormous amounts of universal knowledge being given to them, feeling undeniable love and acceptance, and being given a choice to return to their bodies to continue this life. Many of them mention tunnels, such as these three:

  1. NDE about God at the end of a tunnel
  2. NDE about seeing deceased family members in a tunnel
  3. NDE about a grandmother in a tunnel who is a guardian angel

Tunnels are also common in pre-birth recollections, making it very clear to me that tunnels are connecting us to this life in the bodies we inhabit. We exit through a tunnel and it makes sense that we enter our next life through a tunnel as well. But most of us don’t remember this experience at all, and pre-birth memories seem to be normally gone by adulthood.


After my daughter told me for maybe the fourth or fifth time that she remembers my then-husband and I finding her in a tunnel, it finally dawned on me. Why was I so clueless? Of course, she was talking about the divine tunnel that I’d been reading about!

She was clearly pushing me to accept that there is more to this life than we perceive or that most other humans want us to believe — there was something beyond the characters we play in this lifetime. She was coming to us in a tunnel, and we met her and brought her into this world.

Here is how I believe this happens: our higher selves, the divine souls that are connected to our surface existence, have much more knowledge and ability than our egos have. They’re up there making things happen. And my higher self, along with my husband’s, went into this tunnel where we met her soul. Choices were made. Meetings and connections were formed. She was to be our child in the physical world.

Of course, I don’t remember this at all. Maybe I could if I meditated enough. And she is now five years old — the pre-birth memories are apparently gone because she says she doesn’t know about the tunnel story anymore.

“Mommy, I Chose You”

While she still remembered being in a tunnel, one day I started asking her about it and how she found me. She replied (and repeated later several times) that she chose me.

“Mommy, I chose you to be my mommy because I love you. You’re my mommy because you’re the best mommy for me.”

How could hearing something like this leave any parent the same? It changed me. This life isn’t random. My baby isn’t a random person that I just happened to grow inside me and pop out — she is divinely connected to me in a greater story of meaning and purpose, and our meeting in this life was a choice. It’s part of a plan. It’s beautiful.

After knowing this, I’m convinced that she and I have traveled in this world many times together. I’ve had dreams where we are whales journeying through the ocean. There’s a deep connection, making it clear that I have always known her. In fact, before she was born, I dreamt I met her. She is a beacon of light.

I believe she is here to teach me, and I hope to reciprocate.

This is exactly why it’s so silly to me that adults think they are wiser than children. As if children can teach us nothing, and the direction of teaching is always one-directional. This is a viewpoint that comes from an ignorance of the nature of reality. We are reincarnated souls, all of the same status in the universe, just with different characters that we manifest into in this particular existence.

Final Thoughts

You will be a better parent and a better person if you begin to realize that your children are a gift from the divine. They have come through a tunnel to be with you in this life for some reason, and without ever knowing that reason, you can take their cues to help you grow as a person. Perhaps they also came here to gain your wisdom, so take care with the karma passed between you.

Just remember: nothing is meaningless and random. The family you have represents a group of souls choosing to explore the world of life together.

If you loved this article about pre-birth memories, you might also like to read about my spiritual relationship experiences.

“I did not begin when I was born, nor when I was conceived. I have been growing, developing, through incalculable myriads of millenniums. All my previous selves have their voices, echoes, promptings in me. Oh, incalculable times again shall I be born.”

Jack London, The Star Rover

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