Platonic Twin Flame Relationships
Platonic Twin Flame Relationships

Platonic Twin Flame Relationships

the platonic twin flame

The idea of a twin flame is incredibly romantic. It’s been idolized in romance stories throughout human history. But when you really understand the concept, you start to realize that the miracle in meeting this person is not a romantic connection. It’s the spiritual awakening. When you meet a twin flame, you meet a cosmic best friend who you’ve known for many lifetimes and will know for many lifetimes to come. A platonic relationship with such a person can be a blessing — if you’re willing to see it for all of its gifts. Platonic twin flame relationships can be just as life-changing as romantic ones.

You may feel that you need to romantically be with this person — but sometimes, you may not feel that way. There are clients I’ve met with who have told stories of a beautiful friendship with their twin flames that was never going to be romantic. (I love to hear these stories!)

It’s the enlightenment and the push toward self-love that’s the crux of this relationship.

A twin flame journey is never easy. There are many ups the downs. I suspect that the more healing you have to do, the harder the road will be — but perhaps it’s actually those of us closest to soul purity that have it the hardest in that final stretch of healing. I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that this person mirrors you deeply and forces you to see yourself with all of your uncomfortable truths.

Nothing about this journey requires that you are in a romantic relationship with this person. In fact, the greatest gifts of healing will be given to you when your twin is refusing your advances or making you run. No great healing will occur when you’re comfortable and getting everything you wished for.

And really, the whole point of this experience is deep healing and awakening.

A close and intimate friend can offer you insights and love that even lovers sometimes can’t. Many of us find ourselves in romantic relationships in our lives out of “necessity” or a drive to be in a deep partnership. But we overlook the fact that a friend can offer so much divinity in life.

So, as you live in this weird twin flame world, know that twin flames can be platonic and that the greatest thing about the relationship isn’t the romance or the sex. It’s the cosmic friendship. It’s the endless, comfortable conversations about the deepest aspects of life and the silences full of unspoken understanding. This is what matters.

Relationships can be intimate and incredible without being romantic.

Focus on the gratitude you have for even knowing your twin and not on what you don’t have with them. Find self-love through the exploration of meeting a stranger who changes your life forever.

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