Some Ayurvedic lifestyle tips for people to keep Pitta in balance
When you hear the words “burnout”, “inflamed”, “intense”, and “focused”, what comes to mind? These words are all about fire, and they all apply to Pitta types. Ayurveda tells us that there are three doshas, and most of us have a prominent level of one dosha over the other two, which you can find out from taking a quick quiz. Here, I will give some lifestyle tips for those with Pitta prominence and how to soothe and cool that Pitta so that your days can be calm and enjoyable.
Pitta is the dosha that is made from the elements of fire and water. Think of a Pitta person as generally watery and hot. This is a person who has an abundance of sweat. They’re the person who is always hot when everyone else feels cold. Their bodies feel hot, they like hot and spicy foods, and they approach experiences with the intensity of the sun.
If they aren’t careful, they can easily burn out, and this will result in imbalance, leading over time to some possible illnesses. Think of it as adding more fire to fire — if you aren’t actively trying to balance Pitta, the fire engulfs you and gets out of control.
Take Breaks and Work Moderately
Pitta people will work through lunch breaks, stay in the office after everyone else went home, and work on weekends if no one stops them. They’re the ones at work that make everyone else feel a little guilty because they are workaholics. They aren’t doing this out of pride. Sometimes, when Pitta is out of balance, they will only feel good when they’ve seen a project to its finish. Pittas don’t have patience. They might even get a job done early because they feel like it’s the only way.
Pitta types are also prone to injuries from overdoing exercise. If you’re Pitta, be careful not to push your body where it shouldn’t be going, because you’re naturally drawn to intense exercise programs and physical challenges that take you too far.
So, be kind to yourself. The project doesn’t need to be done right now. Your work can wait. Your exercise can be just as effective if done moderately. Your overall health is important, so to avoid a Pitta imbalance, take a lot of breaks throughout the day and slow down.
Avoid Overwhelming To-Do Lists
It’s normal for Pitta people to make a to-do list, as these focused personalities love to be organized. But before you dive into your tasks, check to make sure that the list isn’t too long or too intense.
A Pitta person is so dedicated to follow-through and a finished product that they won’t often stop to question the tasks that are piling up. Pittas also don’t like to admit failure. This isn’t in their nature.
So, how do you balance this? Do the opposite. Take a perspective of grounding, slow-moving, self-nurturing when you look over your to-do list. Let yourself cool off a little. Your list may not be something any human can be expected to do in one day, so cut yourself some slack. It’s okay to ask for help or admit you bit off more than you could chew.
Surround Yourself with Cooling Sensory Experiences
As you work, you can aid in your balanced mindset by putting on aromatherapy and cooling music.
Try lavender, rose, or lemongrass in your oil diffuser to cool off. Though you may not notice it, Ayurveda tells us that cooling aromas can actually change our minds and even our physiology to relax a bit and balance the doshas.
Pittas respond well to the cooling sounds of stringed instruments. The beat should be moderate, but not too fast. For the same reason as aromatherapy, music can change how we are approaching any situation through subtle changes in our moods and bodies.
Pitta also balances well with walks near bodies of water, in chilly weather, and by listening to nature. As I write this, I am listening to the drops of rain outside my window coupled with a far-off bird’s call. This is perfect for Pitta.