Spiritual Awakenings Are a Remembrance of Past Life Work
Spiritual Awakenings Are a Remembrance of Past Life Work

Spiritual Awakenings Are a Remembrance of Past Life Work

past life memories are activated in a spiritual awakening
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Start to bridge the consciousness gap now.

When you awaken, buried wisdom surfaces. You begin to know things that seem to come from within you. For instance, you may become aware that there’s more to existence than what meets the eye and that there’s meaning in everything. There are unseen forces at play all the time. Nothing is random and the universe is intelligent. You don’t know how you know but you just know. An awakening is a remembrance of what you did before as a soul. Your past life memories are activated.

Perhaps you did a lot of work on your spiritual path in previous lives, and only now you are able to pick up where you left off and continue the great work. Or you may now be finding a connection to the wisdom you possessed in the spiritual planes before you incarnated. Awakenings are about remembering who and what you really are.

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Why We Forgot That We’re Souls

There is a reason we call it an awakening. You have been asleep. Most people are asleep. When we awaken, it’s as if we’re gaining consciousness again. We begin to make the connection between this life we’re living and a simultaneous storyline that is far greater, which somehow we’d forgotten. It’s like waking up from a dream, except you’re still in it. 

On the spiritual plane, our souls have an awareness of what’s really going on. As humans, we forget. I believe this is by design.

In the spiritual realm — the non-physical plane — everything makes sense. Things are easily known. Awareness of existence is at a higher level. But we, as souls, choose to come here to incarnate again and again and intentionally forget all the things we once knew when we were “up there”, providing some resistance in life as human beings. 

When we don’t have access to that spiritual knowledge, we are challenged here on Earth to find a purpose and meaning in life. It’s very difficult to be in this position, but we all chose it! It all makes sense from the soul’s perspective.

Self-Realization and Past Life Memories

Along life’s path, some of us awaken. It happens at various stages of life and is different for each individual. But the commonality is that we suddenly feel a great sense of purpose given to us by a form of greater consciousness that unites us all. The veil begins to lift. Wisdom starts to come back.

Awakenings bring into human consciousness a soul-level awareness. As you awaken, you start to bridge the consciousness gap between the other realm and this one. 

Some of us have worked exceptionally hard in previous incarnations in order to arrive at this point. Spiritual work is not something that can often be completed in one lifetime. Enlightenment or “ascension” must be attained through commitment to the path, diligence, and perseverance. Past life memories can help us continue our work in this lifetime.

So, perhaps you started this work before, and this awareness is coming back to you now so that you don’t have to start over completely. Isn’t that nice?

What You Should Do Now

If you find yourself in a state of awakening, it will come as no surprise to you that you must now change your life to be more aligned with the universe. The greater consciousness that unites us all — the oneness — calls to you. You must now realize that self-serving or mindless choices are wrong. 

Since everything has meaning in a state of awakening, now you know that you must make “right” choices that benefit humanity as a whole, or at least someone beyond yourself. You cannot easily live in a state of hypocrisy because the universe sees all. You can’t hide anymore!

So, remember that this lifetime is just one among many you’ve had. The goal is to try to make as much spiritual progress now as you possibly can, so you can pick up in the next lifetime where you left off here — with a bit of an advantage! Think of all the people you are going to help and all the good you are going to do in the world. It’s all that really matters.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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