What does oneness have to do with love? I’ve been dabbling in the greater existence of us. I’ve been following a trail of explorations in the purpose of life. Why are we all here and what does any of this mean? I finally came to some of the answers I have always longed for — and as I suspected, they involve love. The love that we all long for was always right in front of our noses.
Here’s the thing. You’re part of a great mind. The universe is a oneness of consciousness. It is a loving entity. Since you’re a part of it, like a cell in your body is part of you, it loves you. It is aware of you and it wants the best for you. It wants you to align with what it’s trying to do — evolve and exist in happiness.
If you love it, then you love yourself, and vice versa. You are within this greater entity. You’re part of a greater consciousness. Your self-awareness is one point inside a greater awareness. So, directing love toward yourself is helping the greater entity love itself. When it is feeling good and loving itself, then you feel more love and abundance in your life. “As above, so below.”
Gratitude Grows Abundance
Our goal is to love ourselves more so the universe can love itself more. This is oneness – it means love at all levels. We have to try to always be grateful. As parts of the whole consciousness, we often cannot control what is happening to us in our lifetimes, and the universe has the ability to change things for you at the drop of a hat. But it is not cruel. It is just doing its best, and it responds to you when you are happy to be part of all of this.
So, when you grow your gratitude and view your world as a wonderful place, you’re sending the universe the message that you’re happy to just be here. And it will feel a sense of bliss that another one of its parts is content, so it will flourish in response. It sends abundance to its parts that are aligning with it.
Cause a Chain Reaction
What if you could cause more people to love themselves? What if you could spark a sense of gratitude in more people around you? You’d create a mass sense of bliss that will alchemize reality for us all. The universe would sense more and more gratitude within it, loving itself more, and causing a blissful existence for everything it is aware of.
So, all we have to do is love. Find love, cause love, see love. Be grateful. Inspire others to be happy. Send well wishes to all beings in existence, for we are all here together. We all have the same effect on the whole. When you are grateful and loving, the world gets better for everyone. It touches others beyond your small existence.
Conversely, when others are happy, it affects your world. We’re parts of a collective mind. When one part is doing well, the other parts are affected. Of course, there may always be a stubborn bit that doesn’t want to embody gratitude and love — but you can do your part. Don’t worry about them. Just send them loving energy and wish them to evolve.
As Above, So Below
The great mind that we occupy is the same as us. It is confused sometimes, and sometimes it’s hurting. It has a healing journey. It has a self-love journey. It doesn’t have all the answers. It is evolving just as we are. And there are parts of you with the same relationship toward you as you to the great mind.
You have the ability to cause a blissful existence for your parts whenever you choose. You have the ability to love yourself despite your flaws — although parts of you may be angry, sad, or anxious. All you can do is be aware of your parts and pour gratitude into them. Try to create a blissful existence for them. Flourish and all will begin to flourish. Oneness with the universe means you understand love is everywhere and it pours out from within you.
Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!
Buy the Book
Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.
Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course
Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.