It makes me laugh when people say they don’t believe in any spirituality. They take pride in denying the meaning of anything. They say that you’re delusional for believing in any type of God or any intelligence greater than yourself. I see them saying it and it’s uncomfortable to hear at times because I can almost hear the greater mind that we exist within groaning. But usually, it’s also funny. Who doesn’t love a little irony?
I am going to use the word “God” in what follows, but this is not my usual writing style. Know that when I say “God” I mean a great mind — a powerful consciousness. I am really talking about the universe here.
You’re a divine being and you’re allowed to say that you’re not if you want to. But you’re in it. As Alan Watts once spoke about a fish who found the sea, you are in a vast ocean of consciousness. You can’t step outside this ocean to see it for what it is because you’re inside it and you always will be. So, it’s like a fish denying the existence of the ocean.
You are constantly being guided and moved by the great consciousness you inhabit and embody. When you deny it exists, it’s kind of hilarious. But it’s also sad. You’re just struggling against yourself.
The atheists say that there is no God, denying the existence of meaning that they’re literally living every moment.
It’s divine irony to be a soul denying the existence of yourself.
But then there are also those who maintain that God is separate from us. They’re only slightly less ironic. God is seemingly all-powerful, but your consciousness is a piece of God’s consciousness, and you’re manifested to embody God’s qualities. You are not separate — you’re inside it. Therefore, you must have some of those powers. God just brings all of this reality together and you are a player in it, too — you aren’t separate.
You’re part of a collective consciousness – an ocean of consciousness – that moves as a whole. God — the universe — needs you to work out certain things and reflect on itself. You’re a little version of something big. You’re a universe within universes. You’re a God to smaller pieces of yourself. As above, so below.
What would be silly is if you realized what you truly are — a divine being made of light and pure consciousness and all that — and you still chose to use your consciousness to dwell on trivial problems. Why would you knowingly keep your consciousness in low vibrations? You can choose at any moment to embody love and light. Why choose otherwise?
This is why it’s important to meditate. To look deeply within to find the truth of what you really are. Then, you can start to live these truths.
As part of a collective mind and an inhabitant of a greater consciousness, we have to make good choices. Vibrate higher. Don’t get caught up in the illusion of life.
Never for a moment believe that you have no control over your life or surroundings. You are an important player in the collective. Love yourself and then love all other beings. Do this so that the universe can love itself, too. It’s learning from you. It’s taking your lead. When your body is healthy and thriving, you’re full of well-being. The same goes for the universe — God — which wants all of its parts to be happy here so it can be healthy and well. Nobody wants to be in a universe that doesn’t love itself.
The more you work with the great ocean of consciousness that you’re part of, the easier things become for you. If you struggle against it and try to see the world as random and meaningless, it is only a denial of yourself. And that is never an easy path to walk.
Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!
Buy the Book
Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.
Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course
Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.