My Twin Flame Died and I Survived With Gratitude
My Twin Flame Died and I Survived With Gratitude

My Twin Flame Died and I Survived With Gratitude

surviving twin flame death
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A few years ago, the love of my life died suddenly. I never saw it coming. I’d only met him a few months before it happened. Surviving twin flame death is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I want to pass on some wisdom to you.

He seemed to be able to look right into the depths of my soul and his presence made me feel at ease. I felt that I had reached the summit of spiritual wisdom and my weary search for meaning was over. It was beyond romance, as I had found my cosmic best friend — someone who it seemed I had known for thousands of years. He was my twin flame.

When we were together, the darkness was illuminated and I was whole. A new day was dawning in my life that seemed so difficult until then. Anything was possible. And then he was gone. I thought, “What am I supposed to do with my life now?” as a spiritual rug seemed to be pulled out from under my feet. It was like I had died. Nothing after this could ever be that hard. It was a long road back to the light.

I had fallen apart. All of that hopeful, expansive energy I had when I met him had disappeared. I was lost, falling on my knees over and over again in the face of the truth of human existence. I was humbled by the workings of the universe and tried over and over again to bargain with the great intelligence we often call God. Heavy darkness descended upon my life. I didn’t think the rest of my life would have any meaning at all.

I was mad at the universe for a long time. It felt so unfair. The only reason I survived that period of time was because I still felt an obligation to uphold some kind of contract with the universe. I never lost sight of the fact that I am alive for a reason and would not give up until I found out what that reason is. Every day, I tried to navigate the world and align my trajectory with a higher place, even if I could only take a baby step in the right direction.

It’s funny being so connected with higher spiritual realms because often, these abilities don’t ease the pain. It didn’t help that I could communicate with him on the other side any time I wanted. It didn’t help that I knew that death is the end of one story and the beginning of another and that he’s still around. The grief wasn’t lifted by knowing that our souls were “over there” together and always were. I missed him so much. I felt cheated out of happiness.

It took over a year before I felt hope in my heart again. One day, on a crisp spring morning, I felt new. Something had awakened in me. I felt grateful to be alive for the first time. I had come through a very long winter. I still dipped in and out of grief for many months, but little by little, I got better.

And now I am in a place I never would have believed. I am writing this so that you, too, can find hope again. It is not lost. Perhaps it is just dormant as you endure a sad swim in the wide ocean of grief. There is still meaning to be found here.

What helped me the most was the faith I never lost in the universe’s plan. I accepted that my life is just one story in a great tapestry of life stories here, and somehow, this life event made sense in the grand scheme of things. Destiny eventually works itself out. I believed I would not be disappointed if I kept going. Balance is always restored. I knew I still had some purpose here. 

I always had an inkling that his death was going to be a catalyst in my journey. And boy, was I right! After some time, the miracles began to happen again as my destiny bloomed like a lotus flower pushing itself out from the deep mud.

You see, I had been given a spiritual gift. If I could overcome the greatest pain of loss and never break my faith in divine purpose, I knew my life would have more meaning in it than it ever had before. So, I worked at my healing and I tried to process my trauma every day in new ways. 

I embraced gratitude instead of anger. I learned to see “setbacks” in life as blessings bearing valuable opportunities to strengthen my moral character. I knew there was always someone “up there” watching over me. As long as I put one foot in front of the other and tried my best every day, I would be able to express more divine power, wisdom, and truth than ever before. I would be able to light the way for others. 

I just kept going and when the storm of inner depression became overpowering, swirling around me and threatening to engulf me in darkness forever, I just hung onto these ideals for dear life until I could resume the journey again. Grief comes in waves, and I may never be immune to them. But I’ve weathered the worst of the tempest now. Surviving twin flame death has made me stronger.

I never stopped believing that if I could survive this, I would be able to do anything. I would be unstoppable.

Now, I have found my life purpose. I am happier than ever — in ways I couldn’t be if this hadn’t happened to me. I help others go through the same kind of grief. I know how to use this experience for good in the world. I have transmuted my pain into healing. It took a long time, and the burden was sometimes almost too much to bear, but I hung on, and I am still here. 

twin flame coaching

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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