My Twin Flame Died: Cherish Your Time Here With Yours
My Twin Flame Died: Cherish Your Time Here With Yours

My Twin Flame Died: Cherish Your Time Here With Yours

my twin flame died but you should make the most fo your time with yours
Image credit: Canva

When my twin flame died, I heard a message come in that said “this life goes by so quickly and you’ll be with him before you know it.” I was in shock and agony. But I was able to see the big picture at the same time. We are only here temporarily, and it can all be over in an instant. Our loved ones may die at any time, and the same goes for us. There are no guarantees that anyone will live to old age.

So, friends, I am writing today to remind you that you should never take a single minute for granted. Every moment you have on Earth is precious. If the one you love walks this Earth still, then you must stop at nothing to be with them. Pull out all the stops. Don’t rest until you have tried everything.

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Of course, a big part of “trying everything” is self-healing. Inner work. Developing self-love.

Don’t get lazy. Don’t slow down. Accelerate your spiritual work. It’s the only way to increase your chances of being in union with your twin flame.

My twin flame is no longer here. We were in union for only a short time before he was gone. I have made it my life mission to encourage anyone out there to find healing now before it’s too late.

I often wonder if I’d done things differently — if I’d focused on my shadow work and trauma healing earlier — we might have had more time. Maybe if I’d tried to contact him more often or said different words, he may have had a few extra days of life with me under the same roof.

My regrets are pointless except that they might help you.

Of course, we must remember that we’re always in union with them spiritually. We’re all connected, but especially your twin flame shares such a powerful energetic link with you. You may be in different parts of this planet or sitting next to each other — it doesn’t matter, really. You are together as souls.

This is why your healing is essential. As you heal, they also heal. As you focus on making your life amazing and resisting the darkness that can overcome your mind, they also find their way to the light. Find ways of loving life and they will find you again.

My twin flame died, but if yours is still alive, you have to make the most of that time.

Covet every moment as wonderful and full of opportunities, and be grateful for all you have right now. This is how we heal. Don’t focus on your twin flame’s absence — focus on what they’ve done to change your life and how powerful you are as an awakened soul. You have a light that shines within you.

So, heal and grow. Don’t waste a minute or take a day off.

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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