Meet Your Spirit Guides
Meet Your Spirit Guides

Meet Your Spirit Guides

meet your spirit guides and understand what they want for you.
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As a child, I often felt like someone was watching me. I never felt truly alone. It was as if my life was a movie being played on a big screen, and I was watching it while also participating in the plot. Somehow, others were also watching, and I could feel them just beyond my peripheral perception. 

Sometimes I could even hear them talking. I felt as if they sent me encouragement when things got tough and they were happy when I overcame obstacles. I thought this was normal, so I didn’t tell anyone. Fast forward to my adult life: in my late thirties I finally started connecting the dots. These are my spirit guides and they form a team that gets me to where I need to be in my spiritual path.

What Are Spirit Guides?

Spirit guides are souls who are not incarnated currently in human form and have ascended to a point in their evolution where they can take on the role of a guide to those still incarnated on Earth. They may have been assigned to you or volunteer to help you. Likely, they are drawn to you for reasons of affinity. For instance, you may be experiencing a lifetime with challenges familiar to them in their human incarnations. 

Their task is to get you to a higher place of consciousness so that you evolve and ascend. Then, one day, you will be enlightened enough to exit your cycle of reincarnation and take on a new journey in the spiritual realm without a body, possibly becoming a spirit guide for someone else.

It’s an Act of Oneness

This is how the universe works. We are all here to give each other a lift toward ascension. We’re all on our way there but at different points. But we move as one. Your guides know a bit more than you do, and they have wisdom that benefits you. 

Some ascended souls choose to come back and help the collective, incarnating again in human form as a real-life guide. They know that all of us have to get to a better place, so there’s no point in advancing while leaving the masses behind. That’s why sometimes you may feel like a real-life person is your guardian angel. Your spirit guides may also be able to sometimes appear in human form for a short time in order to give you a message.

You Are Being Watched

They’re always watching you. They’re just out of sight, but always present. do not fear; this team of spirits wants the best for you. They give you the lessons you need to learn, send you messages to help you learn them, and work with you each step of the way. 

Sometimes, you graduate from a certain lesson in life, and the spirit guide team changes. New guides may step in who are better equipped to help you on the next part of the path, and others move on to help another human. But they’ll always be connected to you.

Sometimes, they may have known you during their lives. Often, they also know the souls of your relatives and friends and can work with them on the other side when they pass on. 

Dead Loved Ones vs. Spirit Guides

Your spirit guide team has soul wisdom beyond that of most souls on Earth, so it is no surprise that their higher wisdom may sometimes clash with the desires of spirits who aren’t as far along on the journey. So, sometimes your loved ones on the other side may send you messages that don’t agree with the messages from your spirit guides or don’t fall in line with your higher purpose. 

Your spirit guide team is trying to guide you toward your purpose, destiny, and highest good. When you’re higher up, you have a greater viewpoint on any situation, so trust that your guides know best. The souls of those you’ve known and loved on Earth may not possess such wisdom, though they have a different vantage point on physical reality from the other side.

Connecting With Spirit Guides

People often struggle to know how to connect with their spirit guides. But there is no need to overthink it because they are already trying to communicate with you all the time. They speak in their own language often — one of symbols and metaphors. 

The spiritual world is full of meaning that doesn’t always translate into the logical thought of humans. So, if you see repeated words, numbers, or imagery, it is likely a sign from your spirit guide team. It may not always make total sense to you.

Stay receptive to messages and ask your spirit guides to reveal themselves. Open yourself to their world. Work on listening to your intuition. The more you focus energy on this spiritual path, the more it will spontaneously develop, for what you seek is seeking you. They’ve been waiting for you to turn your attention inward. That is where you’ll find the portal for communication with them — not outside the self, but within.

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