The Meaning of ‘Dark Night of the Soul’
The Meaning of ‘Dark Night of the Soul’

The Meaning of ‘Dark Night of the Soul’

meaning of dark night of the soul
Image credit: Canva

The term dark night of the soul seems to have lost its meaning in modern times. Something so profound and spiritually meaningful has become a dramatic way of expressing the experience of mental depression. But it is so much more than this. It’s a depressing time for sure, but it’s a time when the truly spiritual of us are tested. It is a journey that will define your faith in the universe. 

While others may lose sight of the purpose of life during a depressive episode, a spiritual person will keep a connection to the great wisdom of the universe. They hold on to the faith that what is happening is beyond their human comprehension. 

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Nothing makes sense anymore during a dark night of the soul. You are meant to keep faith and trust in the universe when there is absolutely no reason to do so. Are you strong enough to handle this?

The dark night of the soul is a time when the soul must fuel a light because the light outside the human self seems to have gone out.

Blind Faith is Required

This is a solitary journey. You must walk it alone. You will find yourself in a spiritual tunnel, unable to see any light, but keep faith that if you put one foot in front of another and keep going, you will come to the end of the tunnel eventually, and the light will shine brightly upon you again. Until then, you must operate with blind faith. 

You will be given no reason to trust the universe anymore. You must hold onto only the light that persists within you. It is all you have left. And at times, it will flicker weakly. You may feel like it’s about to go out for good. 

You must keep the light burning — only you can do that. It takes an incredible amount of willpower and courage.

Acceptance is Key

It is apparent whether someone has come through a dark night of their soul because they are the strongest among us. They do not cling to dharma and connection to physical objects — even when it is disguised as a spiritual practice. They know that clinging to a feeling of control does us no favors. 

The world does not work on your terms — your life will take the path it’s meant to whether or not you expect it. 

Just when you think you’ve mastered manifestation, a positive mindset, or healing, you will get a big surprise. Many of us who have faced a dark night of the soul have had to learn this lesson in a horrific way. I wouldn’t wish this level of trauma on anyone. 

I was a little arrogant in my spiritual beliefs before I walked the path of a dark night. Never assume you know everything about how the universe works. The universe acts in divine timing and will give you situations you never saw coming. It’s all for a reason. If you could control everything, then you wouldn’t learn anything.

Life May Not Be Fair

You have to touch the darkness to truly grow as a soul. I sincerely hope that for you, it does not involve the loss of someone you love. But everyone dies, and things are not always ‘fair’. The universe has an idea of fairness in its grand view of existence, and you are just a small part of it. You can’t see the whole picture. Your life may not seem fair, but it actually contributes to the overall balance of life and the collective. 

One of the great laws of the universe is that everything must have balance, and there is divine justice. But it may not always match up with your small awareness’s version of justice.

This is a component of the dark night of the soul: realizing that this is bigger than you. You don’t know everything. Things aren’t required to make sense to you all the time. Your life has meaning, but you must also contribute to the overall well-being of the universe. You must obey the plan that has been set out for you.

You Aren’t Lost, Even When It Feels Like It

The dark night of the soul is the greatest test you’ll ever face. You are never abandoned by God. But it will feel like it. 

It challenges everything you think you know. There is nothing left to hang onto except the shred of hope you have left that things may seem joyful someday. You must continue to protect the light inside and shine it as brightly as possible. 

Sheer willpower is your only fuel. Embrace the blindness and be a guide for others. Stay true to what you know — that there is a great plan. We are all playing our parts in it, come what may. 

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About Emily

I’m a spiritual coach, meditation instructor, psychic, and twin flame expert. I also love occult books and I nerd out on ancient mysteries.

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