How to Cultivate Compassion for Low Vibrational People
How to Cultivate Compassion for Low Vibrational People

How to Cultivate Compassion for Low Vibrational People

Image credit: Canva

I cultivate compassion, not fear of others

For spiritual people, it can be alluring to want to see the world as a place where there are awakened people and ‘low vibrational’ people. It’s enticing because it helps us cope.

Earth is a very heavy and challenging place to be as we watch others suffer. We also struggle to stay in the light. If we can categorize people as somehow ‘lesser’ then it’s easier to forgive them, isn’t it? Also, it becomes easier to see ourselves as carrying out a mission that must endure. We can see why we need to persevere to save the rest of humanity. This is essentially a good thing, right?

One example of this is the idea of starseeds.

Starseeds, as I have come to understand them, are special souls who have a greater experience level in being human or a closer connection with truth and awakening. Therefore, they now walk among humanity to help others awaken. They have a mission, and they’ve always known they were somehow different from those around them. When I was first awakening, this concept really helped me because I was always pretty different from others and I never knew why. Starseeds prompted me to understand life in a new way that I’d never considered.

But there’s a problem. There are many spiritual ideologies that introduce a hierarchy of “specialness” and privilege among humans. I find it a bit elitist. In the end, we are all here having a human experience — whatever we have been before this doesn’t really matter right now. We face the same struggles, though we deal with them in different ways.

It’s a slippery slope believing that you’re special. If you use the idea that you’re here to enlighten others for the good of humanity only, then it is wonderful. And if the outcome is good for the human collective, it probably doesn’t matter what motivated you to take on spiritual work.

Unfortunately, for many, it seems to be a slippery slope of the ego. People see that they’re more awakened to the truth, which is true, and they begin to look down upon others who aren’t. They pity them. They stop seeing themselves in others and stop remembering that they were once where these people are now.

They call people (and even spirits) “lower vibrational beings” as a way to remind themselves that they are above most people. They let negative reactions enter the picture and use this term as revenge.

Maybe sometimes it helps us to work through problems by understanding how some people are vibing low and they’re sabotaging themselves. But ultimately, we are all one, and we need to stop finding ways to separate ourselves from others.

If we’re spiritual, we must find oneness.

The World Mirrors You

I try to see myself in others. It’s hard to do all the time especially when my emotions get in the way, but I find it liberating to look at the world as if everything is a mirror of what’s inside me. If what’s in here and what’s out there are essentially one and the same, then it’s easier to cultivate compassion.

When I see people as “other” and fall into thinking of them as separate, then the trouble begins.

It doesn’t matter which past lives you think you’ve had. You and I are the same. We’re here on Earth without knowing how or why. No matter how sure you are of your mission here, the fact is, this all seems like a dream and nothing is certain. It’s a constantly unfolding plot with a whole lot of surprises, even for the most enlightened of us.

The people in your life are there for a reason and they mirror you. You mirror them. Learn from their journey as they can learn from yours.

Think Before You Categorize People Based on Their Vibration

As I already said, it can sometimes be useful to recognize lower vibrations in ourselves and other people in order to solve problems. We can sometimes have compassion for people by understanding their state of being. But we can only do so when we realize we’ve all been there.

None of us is perfect. There is always the chance that any of us will lapse back into depression, anxiety, fear, or cynicism.

I am the most cynical person I know at times. I try to recognize that what I am doing is not good for me or others unless it’s coming from a place of love and expansion. When I sense low vibrations in others, I see myself in them and I understand.

People can’t be expected to have high vibes and stay in the light all the time because even the most awakened people can’t do so. So, next time you are tempted to feel angry toward someone for being stuck in low vibrations, try to have compassion instead.

We Have Nothing to Fear from Low Vibrational People or Creatures

Don’t fear others. I know this sounds simple and obvious, but people are always coming up with reasons to fear people. Humans create lines of separation relating to political views, social status, race, and religion all the time. Inventing reasons to erect boundaries against people with ‘lower vibrations’ is just another type of separation. But we should be moving toward love.

When you start to think of people as dark and low-vibrational, then you start to fear them. You think they operate on evil principles, so you start to tell yourself to stay away because they’ll do something to you. You start thinking that they’re dangerous. Then you’re living in fear, and you’re no better than they are, ironically.

However, if you approach every other human being as equal to you — just in different places of the human journey — then you are cultivating oneness. You’re cultivating compassion. You stop fearing what people will do to you because you know that you have a light inside that no one can put out.

Maybe you can even open yourself to learning something from others, no matter what place they’re in on this journey of life.

When you understand someone deeply, that’s when you can really start to do the work to pull others into that light. So, have compassion for low vibrational people and guide others the best you can.

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. I have a master’s in philosophy which often helps when I write about consciousness. For more about me, have a look at my services.

If my writing helps you and you’d like to support me, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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