Losing Friends During a Spiritual Awakening
Losing Friends During a Spiritual Awakening

Losing Friends During a Spiritual Awakening

As you ascend, you may experience losing friends during a spiritual awakening
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As I progress on my spiritual journey, maintaining friendships is harder and harder, as people grow apart when their perspectives on life change. New friends come in at different points, but as reality is changing rapidly for me, they don’t seem to stick around long. We vibrate out of each other’s frequencies. It breaks my heart every time another one cuts me off or fades away. I wish them well. It’s a very lonely existence, but I must press onward and upward. Losing friends during a spiritual awakening is a common experience.

As I embrace a positive mindset and understand the manifesting power of my thoughts, I realize that I can’t easily be around people who complain or indulge in their negativity. I understand them because I was once in their shoes, but I no longer find joy in interacting with that kind of energy. It doesn’t validate my own anger and sadness anymore — it only acts as a blockage to my growth. And they don’t understand where I’m at because they can’t see the big picture that I see. This seems to be the main reason friends are lost.

I just can’t bring myself to chit-chat at backyard barbecues about mundane observations and superficial complaints. I can’t indulge in the drama of surface-level, first-world problems. There are few people I know with whom I can have a fulfilling, in-depth conversation. I always feel compelled to say something negative, make judgments, or water down my beliefs to please them, and I don’t want to anymore.

Perhaps once I was the one who couldn’t see the big picture, so someone had to let me go. We are all progressing on the same journey, but it looks different for each of us. I may have been blind once, and I may have been the one someone had to cut off because I was living with anger I couldn’t release. It’s so easy to stay attached to negative ideas that the ego wants you to focus on. As humans, we all know this.

All I can say is that right now, it’s becoming incredibly difficult to have close friends.

So, if this is happening to you, then the only wisdom I have for you is that you must get comfortable with isolation. Sometimes you’ll start to believe that when the old friends go, a new set of friends will be introduced. The universe brings you the people you need. While this can be true, it’s not universally true. You may progress so far that you no longer relate to 99% of the human population. When you get there, it’s a huge spiritual achievement. But you will not find many others standing on the same level of ground with you.

You must be the teacher. You must be the guide. If you are alone on your spiritual path in the dark and mysterious forest of the universe, you must work to clear the path for others. As you ascend the steps of the staircase to the summit of enlightenment, you must look down and behind you to help lift others to a higher place.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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