This is Soul University, and since you’re reading this, you’re probably in grad school. Life is a never-ending series of lessons from the universe. As you awaken to higher levels of consciousness and break free from the trappings of the ego, your lessons only get more intense. There’s no going back into the matrix; you cannot go back to sleep. It’s difficult being conscious, I’ll tell you that.
If you are healing, the universe will lovingly send you great lessons revealing your past trauma. It will poke and prod at your wounds. That’s because when you set an intention to heal and get better, you attract the energy you have asked for that will help you on that path. That energy can come in many forms, but often it arrives in the form of relationships — which are always a mirror of the inner self. The universe sends you the exact lesson you need right now for your highest good and healing.
As you spiritually awaken, the world seems to get weirder and weirder. Things start to make sense in some ways, and in others, things seem to be nothing but an uncomfortable test for you. You may understand the test, but that doesn’t make it easy to swallow. You may be able to observe the lesson coming in, but it can be hard to take. You may start to get mad at the universe. It would be normal for you to lose faith at some point and hit rock bottom.
Often, lessons you experience are a challenge in releasing the attachment to your ego.
Graduating to Higher Consciousness
Every single one of us is on a path to enlightenment. It takes many lifetimes to get there. You have a great supporter — the Universe — that is continually giving you the resources you need to uplevel your consciousness. You are not alone in this journey. But enlightenment cannot be an easy feat. It has to be incredible and magical — a journey like no other. So, the lessons that help you climb the rungs of that ladder will keep smacking you in the face until you finally learn to let go.
Some of the souls here are on lower rungs of the ladder than you. You have to help them as best you can. The higher you get, the more clear that becomes. Our only reason to be here is service to the collective. Be nice to the freshmen.
Some of the souls here are on higher rungs of the ladder. Seek them for extra credit assignments. Attend the special guest lectures by visiting professors.
You will eventually pass your lessons, earn your credits, and graduate to the Great Beyond.
On the other side of enlightenment lies the next adventure. There is more to come. But for now, focus on your graduation date. Elevate your consciousness as far as you possibly can by continuing to learn your lessons, eat your spiritual broccoli, and remember that you are a soul here having a human experience.
Lifetime to Lifetime
You are not only able to become enlightened — you are obligated to it. You’re just not aware of that soul agreement you made before your birth. You came here to learn a lot of lessons. They have very little to do with the physical plane, for everything manifested in matter is temporary. The only lesson you must learn about material objects is that they are illusions.
You’re here not to worry about the material aspects of reality. You must understand what you are. Release the need to attach yourself to fleeting situations and things. Learning love is what this school is all about. The lessons you learn here integrate into your soul, to be carried from lifetime to lifetime and into the next realm.
Earn Your Credits Toward Enlightenment
The universe hopes that you’ll effortlessly identify each lesson for what it is and breeze through your final exams, onward and upward. It has high expectations for you. But it will lovingly push you when you fail, allow you to re-take your exams, and enroll in the same course over and over again if you need to. It may seem cruel at times the way it rains down insanity upon your head, but take that as a sign that you’ve strayed from the soul and entered the land of the ego again.
When you are being forced by the universe to learn something, try to stay humble and grateful.
You will continue to get closer to enlightenment throughout your incarnations, and one day you’ll find yourself there. It will be the greatest achievement of all. Your soul will get its doctorate. You will have the option to come back here and teach others. But until then, all you can do is point your soul at a higher and higher trajectory, hoping that you are always just one step away from the big one.
Perhaps you will not reach enlightenment in this lifetime, but isn’t it always worth a try?
Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!
Buy the Book
Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.
Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course
Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.