Learn How to Use Telepathy
Learn How to Use Telepathy

Learn How to Use Telepathy

learn how to use telepathy
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I’ve had some amazing experiences with telepathy in my life. If I can connect with a person on a soul level, I see the pure goodness in them and I’m able to communicate with their higher self. Beautiful messages of reassurance or reasons why things happened have put my mind at ease and helped me see past the illusion of life. Everything happens for a reason. This realization changes everything.

When you’re feeling disconnected from others, you start to see them as the enemy. You might constantly carry anger because you think people are out to get you. Your relationships may start to fail. You will be far from trusting that other people are inherently good and we’re all in this together. Life will seem chaotic and out of control. That’s not a pleasant mindset to have. It keeps you in a sort of prison.

This is why I wanted to share some of the wisdom I’ve gained and explain how telepathy works. Maybe if we all practiced it, the world would be a better place.

What is Telepathy?

When you can communicate with another person (or animal) without the need for expression of linguistic or visual communication, you’re practicing telepathy. It’s purely mental. One mind is sending a message to another mind.

We’re doing this all the time. Everyone does it. We just don’t notice because we’re so married to what we think is real. Our five senses tell us that we can’t know anything without them, so we become attached to sensory information. We don’t trust any knowledge or message that comes from another source. So, when we have a “download” or a psychic inspiration, it is often ignored. 

All of us are psychic, but most of us don’t trust that ability. We all have a sixth sense but it is overlooked.

You have to realize that the power of your thoughts is immense. It is greatly underestimated by most. Don’t be so foolish to believe that your thoughts are benign and never reach beyond some kind of invisible wall of your mind. They are each a vibration in a great energy field. They create ripples that can reach faraway places and affect many other beings. Separation is an illusion.

How Does Telepathy Feel?

Incoming telepathic messages may seem like random thoughts to you. Often, it is a thought that pops into your mind that seems like it came from nowhere. You might not be able to discern which thoughts are being generated by you and which are coming from someone (or something) else. The way I have learned to know a telepathic message is that it seems to interrupt my stream of thoughts.

Here is an example: I was washing my face last night, thinking about which cream or serum I’d put on my skin after toweling dry. I know how my own train of thought usually proceeds. Suddenly, I had a faint thought about my friend’s dad who was in hospice. It was apparent to me, as I focused my awareness on this “unusual” thought, that her dad was dying and was about to leave this world. I can’t tell you exactly how I knew except that I leaned into it a little and felt it with my heart instead of trying to force logic onto it. Hours later, she confirmed that he had passed.

Telepathy and psychic feelings have nothing to do with logic. When you apply logic and reason to try to decipher telepathic messages, it only makes things harder to understand. This is how I can tell the difference between a telepathic message and one of my “usual” thoughts. 

Sometimes, telepathy happens in dreams. You might exchange messages with someone close to you in a dream. I often experience this with people who are on my mind a lot. They come to me in dreams to deliver an explanation for their behavior. 

It’s difficult to control and predict dreams, however. So, I think it’s better to focus on the kind of telepathic message that you can practice in your waking life.

How Do I Send a Telepathic Message?

To send a message to someone, you have to calmly focus your mind. It can be both easy and difficult. It’s easy because you really don’t need to overthink it. You just send the message. It’s difficult because most people overthink it.

It’s important to cultivate a calm mind and tap into the universe’s energy field. To do this, you have to surrender your ego-mind and become part of the greater mind. You have to set aside your human-level fears and anger. The message needs to be enveloped in a wrapper of unconditional love for the message to get to its destination.

As you focus your mind on that person, try to communicate with their higher self. See them as a soul. Ask them if you have permission. Don’t be shocked if sometimes you can’t get through because they have built extreme walls to keep others out. It’s far easier to send a telepathic message to someone who is open to your energy and who is comfortable with their own.

I like to let my mind find a pathway. Allow doors to open. Follow passages and lines in space-time toward the person. And allow the message to be released toward them, without expectation. Messages must be released with love and good intentions. Messages from a place of anger may be seen as an attack and they will never result in anything good anyway. 

Steer clear of practicing telepathy when you are emotionally charged. Anger, grief, and fear can be overpowering, but you should wait until they subside before you practice telepathy. It will be much more difficult and possibly even harmful.

How Do I Get Better at Telepathy?

Meditation helps you calm the mind. It also allows you to learn how thoughts work. What are your inner processes? How do you know when your stream of thoughts is interrupted? How can you recognize a telepathic message if you don’t even know your own mind?

Intuition can be developed during meditation, but it takes practice. I teach meditation classes that can help you, but ultimately, you have to learn to trust yourself by exploring yourself. It can’t be done overnight.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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