3 Examples of Twin Flame Telepathy
3 Examples of Twin Flame Telepathy

3 Examples of Twin Flame Telepathy

twin flame telepathy
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The twin flame journey awakens you to love and connections with all things. Along with this higher consciousness, often psychic abilities are unlocked. One of those abilities is telepathy. If you find yourself suddenly aware of the fact that your twin flame’s thoughts, feelings, and words can reach you through your mind even when you’re miles apart, then you know what I am talking about. And you’re not alone in this experience of twin flame telepathy.

Often, only one of the twin flames is awakened. The other one is not aware of what’s going on. This makes it exceptionally difficult to endure the whole experience because we feel like we’re going crazy. It is isolating. Despite it seeming like nothing special is happening on the surface, our twin flames are still able to send us telepathic messages. Your twin flame is so connected to you that you will get messages from them without even trying sometimes. 

Below are some examples of twin flame telepathy. Have these shown up in your life?

1. Mental Messages

Telepathy can take different forms. For instance, you may experience a message from your twin flame as a sudden mental awareness. It can feel like a download. Or your thoughts are simply different and you know it’s coming from your twin flame. 

Some of us even know clearly when it’s the twin flame speaking in our minds because we “hear” their accent or distinct voice. We know how they word things and what kind of humor they add to speech. It’s an intimate experience to have clear telepathic communication with your twin flame.

This kind of message can come through whether the twin flame is “dead” or “alive” — a fact that helps you understand that none of this physical reality was ever anything but an illusion. Death doesn’t change anything.

Personal experience: I experienced telepathy with my twin flame before he died and also when he was in spirit. One of the most astonishing experiences was when I was at Disney World and shopping for a souvenir T-shirt for him. I walked around Magic Kingdom to all the gift shops and finally found one that I thought he’d like. As I walked out of the shop, I heard very clearly in my mind, “Go back inside right now and return it! He wouldn’t want you to buy him anything.” I marched right back inside and obeyed. Turns out he had already transitioned —I found out the next day. He has no use for T-shirts where he is now.

My clients have told me stories about very clear mental communication with their twin flames. There’s nothing holding you back from this kind of telepathy.

2. Physical Affectations

Telepathy with a twin flame can also come in the form of physical sensations. Some people have anxiety symptoms, others have heart palpitations, and for some, it can be very pronounced and clear in certain parts of their bodies. It can feel strange or it can feel like healing. 

Your twin flame likely doesn’t intentionally send these messages to you. You just feel it spontaneously.

You might find out later that the twin flame was going through a life-shattering experience around the time you felt the sensation. Or perhaps something energetic was occurring — some kind of shift. Often, strange symptoms will occur if one of the twin flames tries to sever the connection.

Work with the physical messages you get. Try to feel into them and develop your intuition alongside them. You can learn to read them to your benefit.

Personal experience: I had dizziness every time I tried to cut ties with my twin flame. It was showing me that I was attempting something impossible. I have also become comfortable with my twin flame — and other spirit guides — communicating with me through “the chills” on my skin. I usually get goosebumps on my upper back and I can speak with them in a two-way conversation if I focus on this sensation.

Since then, I have heard countless stories from clients about their twin flames involving a racing heart or tingling in certain areas of their bodies. 

3. Dreams

Twin flames also send each other messages frequently in dreams. These are not often intentional, but they happen when the spirits of the two people need to exchange information on the astral plane. So, they meet there and have a shared experience or conversation.

Nothing in dreams is an accident — just the same as here on Earth — and all the symbols of dreams should be taken into account. Sometimes, they are foretelling, and sometimes, it’s a message about something important right now. Often, it is simple reassurance that you’re on the right path and the love between you and your twin flame is real.

Personal experience: When I was “in separation” from my twin flame, I had several dreams. One in particular was very interesting because he told me he couldn’t spend time with me since he had to study. He was reading a big book. He wasn’t ready, he said. Later, I realized that this dream meant he was learning some great soul lessons. Everything about our encounter was meant to happen. He had to be apart from me to learn something big.

Clients have also told me about some wild dreams they’ve had with their twin flames. Have you had some, too? 

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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