Kapha Types, Get Out of That Rut! Stop Procrastinating.
Kapha Types, Get Out of That Rut! Stop Procrastinating.

Kapha Types, Get Out of That Rut! Stop Procrastinating.

According to Ayurveda, Kapha types can learn to balance themselves through stimulation

Kapha type balancing
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Kapha people are steady, detail-oriented, and resist change. Ayurveda tells us that out of the three doshas, Kapha is about protection. It’s heavy, nurturing, and strong. You can take this test to figure out which dosha is dominant in you.

Heaviness and slowness define this dosha that is made of water and earth elements. On a chilly day in early Spring, the ground is damp and cold, and this embodies Kapha. This is the nourishing phase of nature before the world springs back to life with all of its plants and animals. Kapha gives us the ability to slow down, heal, and nourish ourselves so that we can be useful in life.

Kapha is reliable and loyal. It is grounding. It allows your mind to stabilize so that you can move forward in your path. Kapha gives us security and trust that there is support. These are good things.

However, sometimes Kapha needs help moving out of a rut.

Kapha Types are Slow

Kapha doesn’t naturally move a lot, so we have to be mindful of this to avoid getting stuck in a rut. If we allow ourselves to get too bogged down with life, we stop moving and the Kapha inside us can overrun our habits. Kapha people need to stay on top of their tendencies — both mental and physical — to make sure that they aren’t slowing down too much.

The good thing, if you’re a Kapha, is that you will move through tasks in a detail-oriented way. You won’t rush. The Pitta types around you will constantly be making comments about how slow you’re moving, but sometimes this is a very good thing. Rushing through things leads to problems later.

Stimulate and Don’t Allow Stagnancy

If you’re a Kapha type, you need to balance your natural tendency to slow down with the opposite: movement.

Depression and avoidance are common Kapha responses to problems in life. If you’re procrastinating, then this is a Kapha response to something uncomfortable. Where Vata would develop anxiety and Pitta would develop anger, Kapha simply tries to walk away or worse, gets stuck in silent, negative thinking.

Stay ahead of being stuck in a rut or succumbing to depression by countering your stagnancy with fluidity. Exercise daily with brisk walks or hikes. Walking near moving water or a windy area could help you balance Kapha.

Break up your day with frequent movement like walking around the block or your house. Change activities frequently. If you’re reading, stop after a little while and do something else for a change.

Stop procrastinating. In order to do this, you must keep momentum. Stay stimulated and be mindful of your mind or body becoming stuck in one mode.

Connect with Spicy, Warm Experiences

Kapha types will feel balanced when they incorporate spicy and warm things into their lives. This is because Kapha, like water and earth, is cold and heavy, and we need to bring in the opposite qualities.

Warm, spicy foods will stimulate the body and digestion. Aromas that are spicy or warm such as eucalyptus can help move the mind to a more stimulating state.

When you do a self-massage, use light, stimulating oils. You could work with sunflower oil that’s been warmed up a bit.

Music that has a quick beat with lots of percussion can help keep you moving. Avoid listening to too much slow music.

The bottom line is: stay balanced by continuing to move and stay motivated so you can keep from getting stuck in a rut.

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