Is Life an Illusion?
Is Life an Illusion?

Is Life an Illusion?

Is life an illusion?
Image created using Canva

Most people believe in material objects. Seems normal, right? The world is a solid, steady, stable, terrifying place for most. But not for me. I see anything as possible. Even the very “laws of nature”, as perceived by the five senses, may be bent at any time. Science teaches us to believe in this physical existence. We’re programmed to believe in a false world.

It has taken me a long time to work on my belief system. I have had to enter the subconscious mind that creates this dream and teach it that miracles are possible. I regularly transcend my five senses for deep wisdom that only lies within.

You can’t find the answers to life’s most pressing questions in a laboratory test tube. When you want to know “why?” and “how?” about existence, the real answers are inside you. And when you seek these answers, they’ll tell you that physical existence is trivial. The most important things are invisible to the five senses, which science is based on. “If you can’t prove it, it’s not real,” science says. Empiricism has taken hold of our lives. It only examines the mundane levels of reality.

But there is so much more to reality that the senses and even logic can’t show us.

Some science is useful. Quantum physics will tell you that physical objects aren’t real. It takes a mental leap to be able to grasp the fact that everything you sense around you is actually composed of tiny particles or waves.

A table is not really a table. Somehow, our senses only grasp something if it has arranged itself into a macro object, but what it really is on a micro-scale is nothing like what you see before you. A table is an arrangement of “matter” that turns out to be pretty fluid and probably responds to your mind. You hold the world entirely in your consciousness, and that’s where it always was. In your mind, you’ll find the key to pretty much everything. But you usually aren’t aware of it.

When I started to finally understand that things aren’t as they seem, I stopped believing in physical existence the same way one stops believing in Santa Claus. And then all of the most magical things started to happen to me.

Once you clear away your attachment to physical reality, you open yourself up to miracles. Exciting things start to happen to you when you believe that you create your own reality and things can literally morph into what you want them to be as long as you believe they can. It takes a shift in your mindset and an awakening of consciousness. But it is within your abilities to create a new world for yourself with your mind.

You can have a beautiful world to live in if you believe that the world is beautiful. Why delay?

When I look away, is the sofa still there? When I am not in the forest, does the tree falling still make a sound? When I sleep, do I even still exist? And how come my dreams seem so real that they’re often indistinguishable from reality? During a dream, why do I accept a set of nonsensical circumstances as real? If dreams are only in your mind, then the mind must be very powerful to be able to construct a seemingly real place that you don’t question when you are in it.

What’s absurd does not only dwell in dreams. Part of this awakening is learning to recognize the absurdities happening in waking life. When you see that you accept a nonsensical set of circumstances here just as you do in a dream, your mind has no choice but to question the very fabric of reality and your own belief system. This should be the point of lucidity. You awaken within this dream.

I don’t accept the “laws of reality” that most people do. Anything can change at any moment. Infinite possibilities present themselves to me all the time. It is my subconscious mind’s set of beliefs that determine which of those possibilities take form. I manifest without even knowing it.

How does it work? Everything is consciousness. Physical objects are an illusion of this level of consciousness, where material form can take hold.

Why is this happening? Because we are primarily spiritual beings. We are small minds inside of a larger mind. That mind is likely inside of a larger mind as well. Reality exists so we can explore ourselves.

What you perceive today as a concept that blows your mind can someday be integrated into your normal life. Someday, you may enter a day-to-day existence of spiritual perspective, where everything is actually magic and the mundane things are the absurd surprises. Magic will seem normal. To stay attached to the mundane physical world would be insanity.

Baby steps. Let’s get you there.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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