“I Met My Twin Flame and I’m Going Crazy”
“I Met My Twin Flame and I’m Going Crazy”

“I Met My Twin Flame and I’m Going Crazy”

I met my twin flame and I'm going crazy
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Twin flames don’t exist to make life easier. Being comfortable is never going to make you want to reach a higher level of spiritual consciousness. The universe sends a twin flame experience to those of us who are ready. If you’ve met yours, you’re probably losing your mind. But the universe knew that you were ready for it.

Many people meet their twin flames when they’re just starting to go down a spiritual rabbit hole. Maybe you decided to start a dedicated yoga practice. Or, maybe you began living a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. Perhaps you found yourself asking philosophical questions about the universe.

When you become interested in your core existence, you start to emit different vibrations from your energy field. If you recognize that you are a soul primarily — something above and beyond what the five senses can tell you about life — then you have awakened to a new level of reality. And this sent a signal to the universe and your twin flame that you were ready. I hope you buckled your seatbelt.

Awakenings can be challenging. If it was an easy path, it wouldn’t push you to higher levels of consciousness.

What’s difficult about meeting your twin flame is that nothing about the experience makes sense. Our logical ego-minds are constantly searching for answers. As humans, we seek reasons. We want to apply the intellect to all situations in life. But when it comes to purely spiritual experiences like the twin flame awakening, logic has no place.

In the spiritual world, things don’t make sense and you can’t force them to. Likewise, the twin flame journey does not work like that. It is above and beyond the laws of nature and psychology that we believe to be true most of the time.

The twin flame experience, simply put, escapes reason. It will drive you nuts if you keep trying to make sense of it. It’s supposed to force you to surrender.

For instance, you may feel like your twin flame and you should be together since you both acknowledge there is never going to be another connection as strong as this one. You both see how comfortable you are with each other. But the twin flame runs away. Or you run away. Something seemingly insignificant is a blocker for your “union” in this lifetime.

In other twin flame stories, one or both twin flames are married. You might drive yourself mad asking why the universe would present such a love to you when you are already committed. Why does your heart awaken only in middle age? It seems unfair.

Other stories involve tragedies like sickness, mental health issues, addictions, and even death. It awakens you to the idea that life is just plain unfair sometimes. It seems like the world is a cruel place if you see it purely from the ego’s standpoint.

Just let go of logic. Stop trying to force it to be something it’s not. Acceptance is key in this journey. When you start to live from the soul level instead of the surface level where the ego mind lives, you start to realize that this experience is a gift. It has entered your life to force you to open your eyes. You now see that the madness is a catalyst for your spiritual journey.

It’s not unfair and the world isn’t cruel. All of the situations and things in the physical realm are temporary and fleeting, but they all also happen for a reason. Many of them are illusions — mere facades of deeper spiritual truths. The sooner you understand this, the more impactful your twin flame experience will be on the trajectory of your life.

This all happened to you in order to get you to a better place on your soul journey. Just remember that.

twin flame coaching

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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