How to Talk to Dead People
How to Talk to Dead People

How to Talk to Dead People

how to talk to dead people
Image Credit: Canva

When people tell me that ghosts are “just your imagination” I laugh because I can see their dead grandmothers standing behind them shaking their heads. They don’t understand the firs thing about how to talk to dead people.

It’s like this: you don’t really die. And when spirits cross over, they’re still there anytime you need a chat. And they frequently want to chat with you, too, but you ignore them.

Even spiritual people seem surprised when they come face to face with proof that the spirit endures past physical death. I honestly thought that it was obvious.

Talking to Dead People

How do dead people talk to us? Well, sometimes they’re pretty desperate so they’ll interact with electrical currents, playlists, or even physical objects to make them behave in a way to get your attention. Other times, they simply whisper in your ear or give you a message that will arise within your mind.

You’re not the only one who wants to communicate — they’re there trying to talk to you, too.

Those in spirit who you once knew in life will be most successful at getting your attention because they know what you associate with them. They might cause one of their photographs to fall over or play a song you both sang. They may use other people such as mutual acquaintances as conduits to deliver the messages.

The Spirit World and You

Spirits who simply watch over you without having known you in life will also try to have conversations sometimes. They’re all around you anyway.

They’re looking over your shoulder right now as you read this. Didn’t you know?

To receive any messages from dead people and other spirits, you need to first clear your mind of skepticism and an attachment to the physical world. It seems that all we ever do is attach ourselves to the physical and material aspects of existence, but when you see yourself as a spirit inhabiting a body — one being eternal and one fleeting — it becomes easier to understand the world as it really is.

A Paradigm Shift Is Needed

In reality, there are spirits talking to us all the time. We can talk to them any time we want. But the problem is that most of us aren’t open to the experience. It’s so ironic that many of us crave a connection with the spirit world and yet we are too scared to actually have it.

Many of us want to talk to our dead loved ones but we have too much doubt to truly step into that experience.

Luckily, there are shamans, mediums, and psychics who can act as messengers from the other side for us. But any of us could do it — it just takes a shift in your perception.

The important thing is to not be afraid. It’s a beautiful thing to fully realize that there is no such thing as death. People who have left their bodies are still around, and they aren’t going to try to hurt you.

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. If this writing helps you, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

Check out everything I offer here.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.