How to Surrender to the Universe
How to Surrender to the Universe

How to Surrender to the Universe

how to surrender to the universe
Image credit: Canva

The universe wants you to live your best life. Since you’re part of it, when you’re happy, you add to the overall well-being of its vast existence.

We’re inside of an evolving, well-organized, and loving universe. It isn’t winning unless everyone is winning. So, when you surrender to the universe, you set your own individual needs aside and allow the directives of the universe to guide you effortlessly toward your success.

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It’s not so easy all the time. Our egos want to pull us this way and that, showing us paths that may involve struggle and strife but lure us in nonetheless with shiny, enticing things that bring an illusion of happiness. We overthink and invent hopes and dreams for ourselves that align with our ego, not with the universe overall.

The true clear path becomes less obvious as many paths open, all promising some desirable outcome. As long as we chase riches, status, fame, and material possessions, we will be unable to see the correct path. The clarity is muddied by all kinds of wants and desires coming from the small self instead of the universe.

But you can step aside and allow the universe back in. All you have to do is let go.

Regain Clarity for Yourself

You already have a connection to the universe — it never left you. But you’ve layered a lot of confusing goals and activities on top of it, so you may have to dig deep to find it again. But we are all connected to source and we are all part of a whole. You are a divine being.

To surrender to the universe, you need to get out of the way of your own mind. Let go of your identity a bit. You don’t need to be busy all of the time and believe it or not, success isn’t always a product of hard work. Sometimes it’s a product of getting into a flow.

Be more flexible, and let the river flow to the ocean in the most graceful way it can. Only a fool would try to re-route a river!

Release the Struggle

Stop trying to make things work that clearly are falling apart. Allow the seasons of time and the natural laws of the universe to take their course. Nothing lasts forever, and everything is temporary. Trying to keep control of a situation will cause you a ton of stress because you never had control in the first place.

Good fortune naturally comes in waves. Relationships have ups and downs, and sometimes they’re meant to end. War has always happened in the collective — and then there are also periods of peace. Sometimes it’s your turn to shoulder a burden and sometimes it’s someone else’s.

Let go of the idea that your life should always be secure, happy, and wonderful.

The soul knows there needs to be periods of strife or darkness for any real learning to happen. There will always be challenges. The more enlightened you become, the harder the lessons along the way. See them as a gift and a sign that you’re on the right path.

Soul University

The key is not to clamor for control over every event in your life — it’s to surrender and allow the universe to bring you lessons. When you know that life is a university for the soul, it gets easier, because you can anticipate that nothing lasts forever. You will have surprises along the road of life; it is inevitable. Just relax and flow with the tides.

Decide to be okay with the unknown. Be comfortable with uncertainty. Release control and allow the universe to guide you to where you need to be. Your idea of control was always an illusion, anyway. You are here to navigate this beautiful illusion and to practice surrendering for the good of the collective.

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Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

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Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

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