When you are stressing about something, you can move your awareness away from it. Most people don’t even try because they don’t understand that the stress isn’t a necessary part of their existence. But you don’t have to keep your mind occupied with worries and anxiety. You can move your mind to the infinite. You can unlock all of the possibilities of your life at any moment you choose. Learn to stay in a high vibration and see how it opens your life to possibilities.
What does it really mean to move your mind? And what is the infinite? Your mind’s focus is under your control. You don’t have to be stressed or anxious. You can choose your state of mind. This doesn’t seem obvious to us because our society does not encourage people to take responsibility for their thoughts and feelings.
The Mind and the Infinite
The infinite is something bigger than your worries and bigger than you. It’s the great, loving mind that we all exist within. Our small selves tend to focus on small problems and small struggles, but if we remember that we are infinite beings part of a great story in the universe, then we can transcend our suffering.
Your mind is under your control, but strangely, it is enormously difficult to “move your mind” to anything that it doesn’t want to attach to. It’s like your mind has a mind of its own! It’s your ego. It likes to follow along the storyline, getting caught up in the drama, and it doesn’t want to remember that it’s a plot with a bigger picture at play. It wants to get caught in the weeds instead of rising above and seeing that the greater path makes sense.
You’re a player in a great plot. Move your mind to a place outside the plot and then observe it. This is what I refer to as the infinite — a place outside space and time.
The Ego Likes Attaching
Because of the ego’s attachments, it is very hard to break away and focus on the infinite nature of your mind or anything else, for that matter. It seems far too tempting to stay worried, stressed, and angry about situations in life. There seems to be no payoff, to the small mind of the ego, in moving it to something more blissful.
But when you’ve done it a few times, successfully resisting the pull of the ego’s attachments to “reality”, you see the payoff clear as day. In the space of your infinite nature, outside this place and time, great possibilities are waiting for you. The infinite is not a space of worry and stress. it is blissful. Anything can happen in that expanse.
If you can just move your mind to be occupied by infinite and unlimited potential, you will see that your life can change. It starts with your perspective and mindset — one of great hope and triumph — and then you start to see the world around you respond to this energy.
Attracting Abundance
You attract in the energy that you emit out into the universe. Your mind is energy. Whatever it’s focused on will attract more of the same. Like attracts like.
The vibration of your mind accumulates more “things” in the world of the same vibration. So, you want the vibration to be high — made of love and light. You want it to be happy and pure. You want to feel the infinite nature of reality. Then, new and beautiful things can come into your life. More and more abundance will effortlessly flow your way because you are with the infinite, so infinite potential will find you.
You will find that scarcity is just a mindset and in fact, abundance is infinite.
There are no limits to the resources, opportunities, and love that may enter your life. When you move your mind to the infinite, you realize that there are possibilities that you can’t even imagine and they’ve always been there, waiting for you to open a door in your mind so they can come in.
Move your mind to the infinite, as challenging as it can be, because only then will you unlock the potential of your life. Your mind is the key to your reality.
Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!
Buy the Book
Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.
Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course
Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.