How to Program the Subconscious Mind
How to Program the Subconscious Mind

How to Program the Subconscious Mind

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The subconscious mind is the part of you that defines the limitations of your world. The beliefs in your subconscious are harder to choose and change than those within the surface-level consciousness, however, they provide the framework for it. So, you can only begin to imagine how hard it would be to step outside subconscious beliefs and even take one step toward changing them. You aren’t even conscious of them by definition. I am going to teach you a little about how to program the subconscious mind.

Though it is almost a paradox to even think about changing your subconscious belief system, it is essential that you try to do so. All of the limitations of your life reside in the subconscious. Your framework for existence is based there. Don’t you want to break free?

You could allow yourself to fly if you only believed it. But the belief that you can’t fly is lodged deep within your energy field.

There are no limitations to your potential except those within yourself. So, I hope to help you with some methods for changing what’s within. These tips surely are not exhaustive, but they will help you on your way to mental freedom.


Tell yourself what’s possible. Use affirmations and when you talk to yourself about it, always use the present tense. It’s possible now. Look in the mirror and say it out loud. Journal it out. Put those thought vibrations into the universe.

Do you want to find better relationships? Say, “There is an abundance of good people out there waiting to meet me.” Want to have a more fulfilling career? Say, “I deserve to do work that makes me happy.” Hoping to break free from economic hardship? Say, “There is more than enough for everyone, and resources flow toward me effortlessly.” Don’t let the word “but” ever enter your vocabulary.

You are a very blessed and lucky person, and good things always happen to you.

It may not happen overnight. It takes practice. It’s about repetition. You have to teach your subconscious what’s possible, and this takes more than a passing amount of effort.

Hearing It From Outside Sources

You can’t be the only one telling yourself what’s possible. The subconscious is more malleable when different things and people are telling it what’s real. So, read books about magic, watch movies that inspire, listen to music that elevates you, and be selective about what you allow into your energy field.

The subconscious sees the world as scary and restrictive when you teach it that the world is cruel and bad things happen to good people. You have to remove this part of you. You can’t believe that stuff anymore.

The universe is a loving, good place, and everything always works out in the end.

Talk to therapists, psychics, and healers who tell you anything is possible. Engage with teachers and gurus who expand your consciousness. Don’t ever utter the words “that’s not possible,” because you know what? Anything is possible.

Re-Directing the Thoughts

Lastly, an important practice is choosing your conscious thoughts. Change your focus. Re-direct your mind to things that aren’t limiting or constricting. Whenever you find your mind in a place of lack instead of abundance, switch it up. Flip the script.

This means that worries and fears have to go. Only love and infinite possibilities should be on your mind. This is a simple endeavor that anyone can try, but only the mentally strongest of us will be able to sustain it. However, when you put in the work, you will see the results.

I recommend meditation as a great tool for directing your thoughts and practicing mental expansion. In meditation, you can understand the way your thoughts work. And then you can start to choose them instead of letting them run amok in your inner world.

Come find me when you’re ready to change your own world.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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