How to Manifest With Gratitude
How to Manifest With Gratitude

How to Manifest With Gratitude

how to manifest with gratitude
Image credit: Canva

You can change your reality with your mind. Don’t believe me? Try focusing only on gratitude and you’ll see what I mean. I will explain how to manifest with gratitude.

Gratitude is transformational. If you can be grateful for the things that you already have, the universe will respond to this energy with more of those things. Gratitude is a powerful force that attracts great things into your life. It brings your dreams into reality.

It’s incredible, but I have also found that when I imagine something that I would be grateful for, it manifests for me. Just showing the universe what my reaction would be if I had something I desire can produce amazing results. Hypothetical gratitude attracts.

If you imagine what you want with a sense of gratitude and love, then you will attract it. If you imagine it with a sense of fear, it will not find you.

We have to be vigilant of what’s in our thoughts. Mindset is everything. Keep your energy grateful. Don’t give in to fear.

Avoid Fear

Why would you fear what you want? It’s silly, but humans are always unconsciously grasping at things in fear. They think they would be happy if they had something — like money, relationships, and health — but something in their minds is grabbing for these things out of fear. There’s fear in acquiring it because there’s fear in losing it. People are so afraid of having things because they think they’re unworthy of them.

If you manifest from a place of any fear, then you end up manifesting things that you don’t want. You have to be focused on what you want and why you want it. Don’t ask for things that you will be scared of losing or that you think you don’t deserve. Instead, work on your limiting beliefs.

Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs

Start believing in yourself. Things will go well. Wealth will grow. Relationships will be happily ever after. Health will improve. Believe you deserve the good life, and imagine how it would feel when you have it.

Hypothetical imaginings are powerful. If you can dream it, then it can materialize. But you have to be specific about your manifestations. Your wishes need to be clear. And you have to feel what you’d really feel if you had what you wished for. You have to imagine all the people it would benefit and how wonderful life would truly be.

Don’t focus on anything negative in this process. Don’t fear how it will end badly. Don’t fear the fact that you may not get what you want. Don’t believe that you aren’t worthy of it.

Believe in Miracles

Believe that good things do happen. Miracles happen every day. You don’t have to work hard and break your back to have good things. Abundance comes to you effortlessly — as long as you set an intention and put honest energy into achieving it.

Gratitude can help you change your life. For instance, you’re alive. Isn’t that incredible? You are here. The birds are singing and the sun is shining. Can you believe it?

It’s very hard to get into a mindset where these small things feel like miracles when you’re grieving and depressed. And I do think that the darkness must also be felt. I am not saying anyone is wrong for feeling down. But I am certainly saying that when your mindset embodies gratitude, your life becomes simply amazing. It’s your choice what’s in your mind.

Meditate on the situations you want to attract. Feel the gratitude when you have these things — hypothetically. This is how it works!

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. If this writing helps you, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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