How to Manifest Your Life Even In Times of Doubt
How to Manifest Your Life Even In Times of Doubt

How to Manifest Your Life Even In Times of Doubt

Re-assuring yourself can be hard when all you face is opposition daily, but you can still manifest your life.

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When you start to walk a path that you know is right in your heart, challenges present themselves. Although you’ve finally aligned yourself with life and existence, the outside world remains visibly unchanged. People around you remain stuck in their negative cycles and as much as you’d like to help them break free, society appears to be set up to restrict you and those surrounding you from living a liberating life. Manifesting your dream life faces opposition and requires a strong inner voice. I’ve written before about manifesting your dream life, but lately, some doubt has been creeping into my thoughts and I wanted to address the struggles and solutions. It’s not always easy, and I don’t think it’s straightforward when learning how to manifest something.

I have a few techniques that I use to dispel this fear and doubt that creeps in when my goals seem to be way too far out of reach. I’m on a path toward being a healer, a wellness coach, a meditation instructor, and a transformation teacher — and it seems very silly sometimes. People, of course, think I am crazy. I just lost my full-time job recently and I’m a single mom. I shouldn’t be trying to start a business from scratch. That’s ridiculous, right? But I know that you, dear reader, understand that I am doing the right thing and I am on the right path. It’s just hard to convince the world of this.

There are just a few things I’ll share with you about how I do it daily, and beat the doubt that creeps in.

1. I Was Born for This

When I am starting to doubt my path, I ground myself by recalling the moments when my heart assured me of my truth. In our waking life it’s hard to carry our inner truth with us wherever we go, never succumbing to fear or worry. But by cultivating this connection to the heart where light, truth, and clarity resides, we can remain sure of ourselves.

I’ve had experiences in my spiritual journey where my heart clearly spoke to me. I have never felt so sure of anything in my entire life. I’m sure you’ve had these, too. If you haven’t, you should meditate deeply sometime and ask your heart for the information. All the information.

Your heart is always open to giving you this, whenever you are ready to ask.

I can’t stay focused on those moments all the time. People like my mother crop up and ask me what the heck I am doing with my life and I start to wonder whether I’ve lost my mind. But there’s a strategy you can learn to utilize in these moments of darkness: re-connect to the heart.

It takes vigilance. It takes strength. But once you practice it enough with a conscious effort to stop the negative thoughts in their tracks and reverse them — connecting with your heart’s truth — you will see that it starts to become your natural response to that situation of doubt and imposter syndrome.

2. The Universe Supports This

I like to listen to that song, Age of Aquarius bythe 5th Dimension when I am starting to feel doubtful. I remember that we are in an age of some kind of enlightenment, even when it doesn’t look that way at all to a naive observer. Things are slowly shifting in all of humanity, and I have to keep remembering that I am here to help move that shift along. The universe supports this and it has created a pathway for me to do this.

Just a few months ago, I was just starting to think about becoming a holistic healer. I wanted to change lives but I thought it would be a side gig. The universe must have heard my sincere call to help others achieve balance and healing, because it swiftly manifested my true path, even painfully so. I was on a performance improvement plan at work and then I was fired after two months. But it was a job where I wasn’t making an impact on people for their healing and transformation. It wasn’t my path.

I could have seen that event as a huge setback, but I knew that I had asked for this and it was coming true — I just had to trust the process.

Being fired was, and still is, a gift.

The universe wants you to embody your highest self. It has your back. Tell it what would truly fulfill you and let the infinite organizing power of this beautiful universe make it happen for you. And don’t doubt possibilities for a minute, because you’ve witnessed miracles before, so why start to worry now?

3. Go With It

For most people who aren’t on this path of super-self-trust, they won’t understand this point, but we just have to go with it. Trust that it will work out, and that the universe brought you all this way for a reason.

Change is hard. Embarking on a life that is totally unknown to you is really unnerving. You are going to need a lot of inner strength, derived from steps one and two above. But beyond that, you need to remember that you can’t control the outcome of your life. Expectations are rough when we are too attached to them because they stress us out! Stop and allow the universe to lead you where you need to go.

Trust that the answer will come.

I like to imagine the end goal — being a wellness coach of some kind with enough income to support me and my daughter in a moderate lifestyle — and then let the in-between events work themselves out. I won’t force anything.

Maybe I won’t have millions of Instagram followers. Maybe I won’t have a load of coaching clients. But the universe at some point will surprise me and step in with some miracle. Maybe someone will call me and offer me a job as a meditation instructor at a resort in Hawaii. Who even knows. I am open to it. I am open to whatever. None of us knows the future and that’s why I am excited!

You Can Do This

Keep the faith. In a nutshell: trust yourself, trust the universe, and trust the process. Once you have found your true path in life, there is no stopping you. Your personal light will shine so far and help so many people, that nothing can ever put that light out. But you have to start small, and that part of the process requires immense faith.

It’s funny how the world around us seems so mundane and to be candid, quite depressing, if we listen to the voices in society such as the news, scientists, and sometimes members of our own family. It seems like there is nothing magical at all in the world. How can a miracle arise from this mechanical, oppressive existence? You have to know in your heart that our existence is more than this surface, purely physical life. Your heart knows the truth.

“The moral of the tale is, don’t live for the approval of others. The real you is here to find out the secret of life, not to satisfy someone else’s opinion.”

Deepak Chopra

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