How to Let Go of Attachments and Free Your Mind
How to Let Go of Attachments and Free Your Mind

How to Let Go of Attachments and Free Your Mind

how to let go of attachments
Image credit: Canva

You can be something new anytime you wish. But most people choose to stay boring. Or, they think they can’t do anything they want, mentally, so they pay a lot of money to take substances that alter their minds for them. They think consciousness is not within the realm of their own control. Or, to be honest, they don’t think about consciousness at all.

I just read another story about a girl who went on an ayahuasca retreat. She had all these learnings come in during a trancelike state and she had visions. It was weird reading that because what she described was exactly like things that happen to me every day without any substance-inducing activity. I lose my mind all the time without help.

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The problem is, people are so attached to things in their lives but most of all, they’re attached to their minds. They’re attached to thoughts. Notions. Feelings. Assumptions. Ideas. Conclusions. Judgments. Preferences.

The list goes on. Being attached isn’t great.

You exist. That’s pretty much all you can be sure of. But all the other stuff that’s stressing you out is a prison of your own design. You could wake up tomorrow and be whatever you want. You have obligations and responsibilities based on your own assumptions about life. Maybe you are confident in those obligations, but the least you can do is acknowledge that they are optional.

Losing your mind can be fun. That’s why you spend money on cannabis, alcohol, ayahuasca, and mushrooms, right? These things get you some mental freedom temporarily. But what if I told you that you can lose your mind anytime you want? I want to explain how to let go of attachments.

All you have to do is let go.

Forget who you are. Forget where you are. Practice letting go for a while, and you may even be able to forget time and space. Is something stressing you out? Don’t let it get in your head. Your mind is your own realm. Just release and let yourself be whatever you want to be. I like to believe I am a cloud of pink energy expanding in the sky and floating in bliss. Pink clouds don’t have anything to stress about!

I’ll add that sometimes mind-bending experiences happen to me without my initiation. For instance, entities I can’t name will appear before me with messages or intentions, and I have no idea how they got there or why. Sometimes in meditation, I have a very strong spinning feeling that I don’t know how to explain. I think that as you accept the fluid nature of reality more and more, these kinds of experiences begin to spontaneously happen to you.

As you let go of your identity as a human, you gain a stronger connection with your soul. You remember who you are. The spirit world enters your waking reality more often. Your attachments to your world, your persona, your possessions, and the way you expect life to go are what are holding you back from having wild experiences.

You don’t need substances. Save yourself time and money. Just meditate more and practice non-attachment. Any temporary solution will never satisfy you anyway. Train yourself to be free on your own.

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. I have a master’s in philosophy which often helps when I write about consciousness. Have a look at how I can help you.

If you’d like to support me, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.