No one can teach you how to come out of depression. You must learn the way out of the darkness by yourself. It can feel like a labyrinth and you’re lost in pitch black, unable to even see the path you walk. Sometimes it feels suffocating. Trust me, I know — I go there quite a lot. The darkness will always be within you and there is no way to eliminate it. But you can attempt to understand it. The most troubled of us are best equipped to create art because of our trials. Make friends with your shadow self.
Darkness is there for a reason. It pulls you into the void as it’s meant to. Nobody is exempt from its effects.
The Polarities Are Necessary
Darkness is necessary. It is a challenge to the mind — a resistance we need in order to learn about the light. We understand the aspects of reality through the analysis of polarities. They exist to format balance in the universe.
When we know our darkest inner realms, we connect with love in a more meaningful way. To know true fear or sadness is to understand true love.
The darkness in you is the same as the darkness found elsewhere in the universe. It is there to provide an opposition to joy and bliss. It gives perspective. And for the very clever of us, it offers a slingshot to be able to move back into the light in an unprecedented way.
Swinging Back to Light
I’ve been in the darkness. I’ve been hurt. Heartbroken. I wonder often about my own existence. I lose faith in the reasons I hold onto for being here on Planet Earth. Things get messy in my mind. I often feel like I am dropping off a precipice, falling horribly far without anything to catch me. The shadow self takes over.
But every time, I am caught. Somehow, something brings me back to the light. Just as I am not always sure how the darkness catches me up, sometimes I couldn’t explain to you how I came back to joy. But the pendulum always swings back to light.
I know it is not my job to try to maintain the light all of the time because the dark moments provide me with an experience I cannot get from being “happy” all the time. It allows me to know myself better and I can navigate reality with more depth of meaning. It gives me a reason for my creations.
Remember the Way Back
It is possible to navigate yourself back to the light with more and more skill. You don’t have to let your shadow self pull you down so deep that you’re stuck every time. It doesn’t have to be jarring when it swallows you up. You should be able to observe it and know the journey back to light very well by now. I mean, you’ve done this several times, am I right? Let’s get smarter about this.
You can light the way in the labyrinth with your own heart. You can remember how you came back last time. You can learn the workings of your own mind so that it doesn’t bind you, and you’re free to roam between the two realms freely. You can teach yourself.
The thing you have to remember is that nobody else can navigate it for you. That’s on you one hundred percent. Only you know how your mind works. You know which way you went last time that brought you back to joy and reflection. You can start to create a map for yourself. You don’t have to find yourself lost in complete darkness every time. Little by little, you can get better at navigation.
Welcome back to the light.

Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

Buy the Book
Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

About Emily
I’m a spiritual coach, meditation instructor, tarot reader & psychic, and twin flame expert. I also love occult books and I nerd out on ancient mysteries.
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